Tom Waits
Midnight Lullaby

Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye
Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying.
You can burn the midnight oil with me as long as you will
Stare out at the moon upon the windowsill, and dream...
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye
Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying.
There's dew drops on the window sill, gumdrops in your head
Slipping into dream land, you're nodding your head, so dream...

Dream of West Virginia, or of the British Isles
Cause when you are dreaming, you see for miles and miles.
When you are much older, remember when we sat
At midnight on the windowsill, and had this little chat
And dream, come on and dream, come on and dream, and dream, and dream...

Mirror lyrics:

And dream, come on and dream, come on and dream, and dream, and dream...
At midnight on the windowsill, and had this little chat
When you are much older, remember when we sat
Cause when you are dreaming, you see for miles and miles.
Dream of West Virginia, or of the British Isles

Slipping into dream land, you're nodding your head, so dream...
There's dew drops on the window sill, gumdrops in your head
Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying.
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye
Stare out at the moon upon the windowsill, and dream...
You can burn the midnight oil with me as long as you will
Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying.
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye

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Midsnight Lulloaby Midnnight Lulpaby Midight Midinght Lullpaby Midmight Lullaaby Midmnight Lullby Midnmight Lullbay
Midhight Lullzby Midhnight Lullzaby Midnhight Lullazby Midjight Lullqby Midjnight Lullqaby Midnjight Lullaqby Midbight Lullsby
Midbnight Lullsaby Midnbight Lullasby Midniight Lullwby Midnght Lullwaby Midngiht Lullawby Midnjght Lullxby

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