Tom Petty
The Golden Rose

Well, The Golden Rose sailed with a broken man
Going south
Got on board with a woman to lead him around
By the mound (mile? mouth?)

And it's goodbye, Golden Rose
Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose

Well, the captain who swears if he speaks at all
Wears a gun
Got a first maid who's never quite on the ball
For his son

And it's goodbye, Golden Rose
Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose

Wish I was back in her arms again
Wish I was holding her tight
Wish I was back in her arms again
Safe from the night

She stood on the shore and she waved to me:
"Come back home"
Many a-night I would think of her
All alone

And it's goodbye, Golden Rose
Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose
And it's goodbye, Golden Rose

All alone
Many a-night I would think of her
"Come back home"
She stood on the shore and she waved to me:

Safe from the night
Wish I was back in her arms again
Wish I was holding her tight
Wish I was back in her arms again

Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose
And it's goodbye, Golden Rose

For his son
Got a first maid who's never quite on the ball
Wears a gun
Well, the captain who swears if he speaks at all

Yeah, it's goodbye, Golden Rose
And it's goodbye, Golden Rose

By the mound (mile? mouth?)
Got on board with a woman to lead him around
Going south
Well, The Golden Rose sailed with a broken man

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGolden RRose he olden ose hTe oGlden oRse fhe holden dose fThe hGolden dRose Tfhe Gholden Rdose 5he yolden 4ose
5The yGolden 4Rose T5he Gyolden R4ose hhe bolden gose hThe bGolden gRose Thhe Gbolden Rgose yhe volden tose yThe vGolden tRose
Tyhe Gvolden Rtose 6he folden 5ose 6The fGolden 5Rose T6he Gfolden R5ose ghe tolden fose gThe tGolden fRose Tghe Gtolden Rfose
rhe Goolden eose rThe Glden eRose Trhe Gloden Reose Gklden Roose Te Gkolden Rse Teh Goklden Rsoe Tje G9lden Rkse
Tjhe G9olden Rkose Thje Go9lden Rokse Tue G0lden R9se Tuhe G0olden R9ose Thue Go0lden Ro9se Tne Gllden R0se Tnhe Glolden R0ose
Thne Gollden Ro0se Tbe Gilden Rlse Tbhe Giolden Rlose Thbe Goilden Rolse Tge Rise Goden Riose Thge Godlen Roise
Tye Gokden Rosse Roe Thye Golkden Roes Thee Gooden Roze Th Rozse The Goloden Rosze Ths Gopden Rowe
Thse Goplden Rowse Thes Golpden Roswe Th3 Goldden Rode

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