Tom Petty
Only A Broken Heart

Here comes that feeling ive seen in your eyes
Back in the old days before the hard times
But im not afraid anymore
Its only a broken heart
I know the place where you keep your secrets
Out of the sunshine down in a valley
But im not afraid anymore
Its only a broken heart
What would I give to start all over again
To clean up my mistakes
Stand in then moonlight stand under heaven
Wait for an answer hold out forever
But don't be afraid anymore
Its only a broken heart
What would I give to start all over again
To clean up my mistakes
I know your weakness you've seen my dark side
The end of the rainbow is always a long ride
But im not afraid anymore
Its only a broken heart ache

Mirror lyrics:

Its only a broken heart ache
But im not afraid anymore
The end of the rainbow is always a long ride
I know your weakness you've seen my dark side
To clean up my mistakes
What would I give to start all over again
Its only a broken heart
But don't be afraid anymore
Wait for an answer hold out forever
Stand in then moonlight stand under heaven
To clean up my mistakes
What would I give to start all over again
Its only a broken heart
But im not afraid anymore
Out of the sunshine down in a valley
I know the place where you keep your secrets
Its only a broken heart
But im not afraid anymore
Back in the old days before the hard times
Here comes that feeling ive seen in your eyes

Relevant Tags:
OOnly AA BBroken HHeart nly roken eart nOly A rBoken eHart knly z vroken jeart kOnly zA vBroken jHeart Oknly Az Bvroken Hjeart
9nly q groken ueart 9Only qA gBroken uHeart O9nly Aq Bgroken Hueart 0nly s nroken neart 0Only sA nBroken nHeart O0nly As Bnroken Hneart
lnly w hroken beart lOnly wA hBroken bHeart Olnly Aw Bhroken Hbeart inly x Brroken geart iOnly xA Boken gHeart Oinly Ax Borken Hgeart
Onnly Bdoken yeart Oly Bdroken yHeart Olny Brdoken Hyeart Omly B4oken Heeart Omnly B4roken Hart Onmly Br4oken Haert
Ohly Bgoken Hsart Ohnly Hseart Onhly Brgoken Hesart Ojly Btoken H3art Ojnly Btroken H3eart Onjly Brtoken He3art
Obly B5oken Hfart Obnly B5roken Hfeart Onbly Br5oken Hefart Onlly Bfoken Hrart Ony Bfroken Hreart Onyl Brfoken Herart
Onky Beoken H4art Onkly Beroken H4eart Onlky Breoken He4art Onoy Brooken Hdart Onoly Brken Hdeart Onloy Brkoen Hedart
Onpy Brkken Hwart Onply Brkoken Hweart Onlpy Brokken Hewart Onlyy Br9ken Heaart Onl Br9oken Hert Only Bro9ken Herat
Onlg Br0ken Hezrt Onlgy Br0oken Hezart Onlyg Bro0ken Heazrt Onlh Brlken Heqrt Onlhy Brloken Heqart Onlyh Brolken Heaqrt
Onl6 Briken Hesrt

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