Tom Petty
I'm Tired Joey Boy

Tired Joey Boy
While you're out with the sheep
My life is so troubled
Now I can't go to sleep

I would walk myself out
But the streets are so dark
I shall wait till the morning
And walk in the park

This life is so simple
When one is at home
And I'm never complaining
When there's work to be done

Oh, I'm tired Joey Boy
Of the makings of men
I would like to be
Cheerful again

Ambition will take you
Ride you too far
And conservatism bring you
To boredom once more

Sit down by the river
Watch the stream flow
Recall all the dreams
That you once used to know

Things you've forgotten
Took you away
Pastures not greener
But meaner

Love of the simple
Is all that I need
I've no time for schism
Or lovers of greed

Go up to the mountain
Go up to the glen
When silence will touch you
And heartbreak will mend

Mirror lyrics:

And heartbreak will mend
When silence will touch you
Go up to the glen
Go up to the mountain

Or lovers of greed
I've no time for schism
Is all that I need
Love of the simple

But meaner
Pastures not greener
Took you away
Things you've forgotten

That you once used to know
Recall all the dreams
Watch the stream flow
Sit down by the river

To boredom once more
And conservatism bring you
Ride you too far
Ambition will take you

Cheerful again
I would like to be
Of the makings of men
Oh, I'm tired Joey Boy

When there's work to be done
And I'm never complaining
When one is at home
This life is so simple

And walk in the park
I shall wait till the morning
But the streets are so dark
I would walk myself out

Now I can't go to sleep
My life is so troubled
While you're out with the sheep
Tired Joey Boy

Relevant Tags:
II'm TTired JJoey BBoy 'm ired oey oy 'Im iTred oJey oBy j'm fired koey voy jI'm fTired kJoey vBoy Ij'm Tfired Jkoey Bvoy
9'm 5ired ioey goy 9I'm 5Tired iJoey gBoy I9'm T5ired Jioey Bgoy l'm hired moey noy lI'm hTired mJoey nBoy Il'm Thired Jmoey Bnoy
o'm yired noey hoy oI'm yTired nJoey hBoy Io'm Tyired Jnoey Bhoy k'm 6ired hoey Booy kI'm 6Tired hJoey By Ik'm T6ired Jhoey Byo
8'm gired uoey Bky 8I'm gTired uJoey Bkoy I8'm Tgired Juoey Boky u'm rired Jooey B9y uI'm rTired Jey B9oy Iu'm Trired Jeoy Bo9y
I''m Tiired Jkey B0y Im Tred B0oy Im' Tried Jokey Bo0y I'mm Tjred J9ey Bly I' Tjired J9oey Bloy I'm Tijred Jo9ey Boly
I'j T9red J0ey Biy I'jm T9ired J0oey Bioy I'mj Ti9red Jo0ey Boiy I'k Tlred Jley Boyy I'km Tlired Jloey Bo I'mk Tilred Joley Boy
I'n Tored Jiey Bog I'nm Toired Bogy I'mn Tiored Joiey Boyg Tkred Joeey Boh Tkired Joy Bohy Tikred Joye Boyh
T8red Josy Bo6 T8ired Josey Bo6y Ti8red Joesy Boy6 Tured Jo3y Bou Tuired Jo3ey Bouy Tiured Joe3y Boyu
Tirred Jofy Bo7 Tied Jofey Bo7y Tierd Joefy Boy7 Tided Jory Boj Tidred Jorey Bojy Tirded Joery Boyj

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