Tom Mcrae
The Only Thing I Know

Jesus Christ,
Was that my tongue or a knife?
The Things I say, Leave me ashamed
My skin burns from the flames
I've got gasoline in my veins
I've got the sun at my back
The world in my sights
So strike up the band
I'll put the flames out with my own hands

For you
Go on, go on, go on,
Take all of me
Don't let this be the only thing I know
Don't ever let go
Oh don't ever let go

Ashes fall from your lips
And I'm counting the ways, the counterfeit
And if I know your disguise, well it used to be mine
I'll carry you through this burning land
And when the water's gone
We'll drink the sand
You know I've got nothing left
For the journey home
And I've run out of gods to burn
So this fever will return

For you
Go on, go on, go on,
Take all of me
Don't let this be the only thing I know
Don't ever let go
No, don't ever let go
Oh, don't ever let go

This distance run
This smoking gun
There's failure in your eyes
Things fall apart this stone I carved
Has fallen to the floor
Still so easily ignored
Still so easily ignored

Still so easily ignored

This is all of me
This is all of me
This is all of me
This is all of me

Mirror lyrics:

This is all of me
This is all of me
This is all of me
This is all of me

Still so easily ignored

Still so easily ignored
Still so easily ignored
Has fallen to the floor
Things fall apart this stone I carved
There's failure in your eyes
This smoking gun
This distance run

Oh, don't ever let go
No, don't ever let go
Don't ever let go
Don't let this be the only thing I know
Take all of me
Go on, go on, go on,
For you

So this fever will return
And I've run out of gods to burn
For the journey home
You know I've got nothing left
We'll drink the sand
And when the water's gone
I'll carry you through this burning land
And if I know your disguise, well it used to be mine
And I'm counting the ways, the counterfeit
Ashes fall from your lips

Oh don't ever let go
Don't ever let go
Don't let this be the only thing I know
Take all of me
Go on, go on, go on,
For you

I'll put the flames out with my own hands
So strike up the band
The world in my sights
I've got the sun at my back
I've got gasoline in my veins
My skin burns from the flames
The Things I say, Leave me ashamed
Was that my tongue or a knife?
Jesus Christ,

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOnly TThing II KKnow he nly hing now hTe nOly hTing I nKow fhe knly fhing j lnow fThe kOnly fThing jI lKnow Tfhe Oknly Tfhing Ij Klnow
5he 9nly 5hing 9 onow 5The 9Only 5Thing 9I oKnow T5he O9nly T5hing I9 Konow hhe 0nly hhing l mnow hThe 0Only hThing lI mKnow Thhe O0nly Thhing Il Kmnow
yhe lnly yhing o jnow yThe lOnly yThing oI jKnow Tyhe Olnly Tyhing Io Kjnow 6he inly 6hing k inow 6The iOnly 6Thing kI iKnow T6he Oinly T6hing Ik Kinow
ghe Onnly ghing 8 Knnow gThe Oly gThing 8I Kow Tghe Olny Tghing I8 Konw rhe Omly rhing u Kmow rThe Omnly rThing uI Trhe Onmly Trhing Iu Knmow
Ohly Khow Te Ohnly Ting Khnow Teh Onhly Tihng Knhow Tje Ojly Tjing Kjow Tjhe Ojnly Tjhing Thje Onjly Thjing Knjow
Tue Obly Tuing Kbow Tuhe Obnly Tuhing Kbnow Thue Onbly Thuing Knbow Tne Onlly Tning Knoow Tnhe Ony Tnhing Knw Thne Onyl Thning Knwo
Tbe Onky Tbing Knkw Tbhe Onkly Tbhing Knkow Thbe Onlky Thbing Knokw Tge Onoy Tging Kn9w Onoly Kn9ow Thge Onloy Thging Kno9w
Tye Onpy Tying Kn0w Onply Kn0ow Thye Onlpy Thying Kno0w Thee Onlyy Thiing Knlw Th Onl Thng Knlow The Only Thnig Knolw
Ths Onlg Thjng Kniw

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