Tom Paxton
Jennifers Rabbit

Jennifer's Rabbit
(Tom Paxton)
Jennifer slept in her little bed
With dreams of a rabbit in her little head
Jennifer's rabbit, brown and white
Left the house and went to town one night
Along with a turtle and a kangaroo
And seventeen monkeys from the city zoo
They went for a ride on an old street car
They tried to drive it but they didn't get far
They all got tired and decided to go
To see the people in the picture show
Jennifer's rabbit, white and brown
Looked in the windows of the shops downtown
He found a dress for Jennifer to wear
And a pretty blue ribbon for her long blond hair
Then the rabbit and the turtle and the kangaroo
Bowed to each other like polite folks do
They went to a shop where the cookies are free

And they all had cookies and oolong tea
Then, "My!" said the turtle as the clock struck three
"The hour is growing very late for me."
"Not at all," said the rabbit. "If you give me a chance,
I'll lead all the monkeys in a hula dance!"
So they danced all night and the moon danced too
Then the rabbit and the turtle and the kangaroo
Jumped into bed and closed their eyes
And were fast asleep before the sun could rise
And Jennifer slept in her little bed
With dreams of a rabbit in her little head
Copyright Tom Paxton
recorded by Tom Paxton
filename[ JENNRABB

Mirror lyrics:

filename[ JENNRABB
recorded by Tom Paxton
Copyright Tom Paxton
With dreams of a rabbit in her little head
And Jennifer slept in her little bed
And were fast asleep before the sun could rise
Jumped into bed and closed their eyes
Then the rabbit and the turtle and the kangaroo
So they danced all night and the moon danced too
I'll lead all the monkeys in a hula dance!"
"Not at all," said the rabbit. "If you give me a chance,
"The hour is growing very late for me."
Then, "My!" said the turtle as the clock struck three
And they all had cookies and oolong tea

They went to a shop where the cookies are free
Bowed to each other like polite folks do
Then the rabbit and the turtle and the kangaroo
And a pretty blue ribbon for her long blond hair
He found a dress for Jennifer to wear
Looked in the windows of the shops downtown
Jennifer's rabbit, white and brown
To see the people in the picture show
They all got tired and decided to go
They tried to drive it but they didn't get far
They went for a ride on an old street car
And seventeen monkeys from the city zoo
Along with a turtle and a kangaroo
Left the house and went to town one night
Jennifer's rabbit, brown and white
With dreams of a rabbit in her little head
Jennifer slept in her little bed
(Tom Paxton)
Jennifer's Rabbit

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