Tom Mcrae
Sound Of The City (acoustic)

So baby there you stand
the bottle in your hand
shouting to the night
while the city sleeps

caught in the light of a car
or subway station sparks
I see your face again
guess it's time to leave

and I watch you fall from a great height
and you watch me fail night after night

and still the sound
still the sound of the city tonight
keeps my dreams and my demons alive
baby I'm
I'm still alive

I hear the city breathe
I dream the city's dreams
and she's still in my arms
for another year

So bring your broken hearts
call me the King of Cards
I'll make them disappear
with a sleight of hand

and I watch you fall from a great height
and you watch me fail night after night

still the sound
still the sound of the city tonight
keeps my dreams and my demons alive
and baby I'm
I'm still alive

Still you don't come
you won't come
but the fever has broken
and daylight is blinding your eyes
and still you don't come
you won't come
the city she's not done
she's calling, she's calling your name

Mirror lyrics:

she's calling, she's calling your name
the city she's not done
you won't come
and still you don't come
and daylight is blinding your eyes
but the fever has broken
you won't come
Still you don't come

I'm still alive
and baby I'm
keeps my dreams and my demons alive
still the sound of the city tonight
still the sound

and you watch me fail night after night
and I watch you fall from a great height

with a sleight of hand
I'll make them disappear
call me the King of Cards
So bring your broken hearts

for another year
and she's still in my arms
I dream the city's dreams
I hear the city breathe

I'm still alive
baby I'm
keeps my dreams and my demons alive
still the sound of the city tonight
and still the sound

and you watch me fail night after night
and I watch you fall from a great height

guess it's time to leave
I see your face again
or subway station sparks
caught in the light of a car

while the city sleeps
shouting to the night
the bottle in your hand
So baby there you stand

Relevant Tags:
SSound OOf TThe CCity ((acoustic) ound f he ity acoustic) oSund fO hTe iCty a(coustic) zound kf fhe fity (aacoustic) zSound kOf fThe fCity (coustic)
Szound Okf Tfhe Cfity (caoustic) wound 9f 5he xity (zcoustic) wSound 9Of 5The xCity (zacoustic) Swound O9f T5he Cxity (azcoustic) dound 0f hhe vity (qcoustic)
dSound 0Of hThe vCity (qacoustic) Sdound O0f Thhe Cvity (aqcoustic) eound lf yhe dity (scoustic) eSound lOf yThe dCity (sacoustic) Seound Olf Tyhe Cdity (ascoustic)
xound if 6he Ciity (wcoustic) xSound iOf 6The Cty (wacoustic) Sxound Oif T6he Ctiy (awcoustic) aound Off ghe Cjty (xcoustic) aSound O gThe Cjity (xacoustic)
Saound Of Tghe Cijty (axcoustic) Soound Oc rhe C9ty (accoustic) Sund Ocf rThe C9ity (aoustic) Suond Ofc Trhe Ci9ty (aocustic) Skund Or Clty (afoustic)
Skound Orf Te Clity (afcoustic) Sokund Ofr Teh Cilty (acfoustic) S9und Og Tje Coty (axoustic) S9ound Ogf Tjhe Coity So9und Ofg Thje Cioty (acxoustic)
S0und Ot Tue Ckty (avoustic) S0ound Otf Tuhe Ckity (avcoustic) So0und Oft Thue Cikty (acvoustic) Slund Ov Tne C8ty (adoustic) Slound Ovf Tnhe C8ity (adcoustic)
Solund Ofv Thne Ci8ty (acdoustic) Siund Od Tbe Cuty (acooustic) Siound Odf Tbhe Cuity (acustic) Soiund Ofd Thbe Ciuty (acuostic) Souund Tge Citty (ackustic)
Sond Ciy (ackoustic) Sonud Thge Ciyt (acokustic) Sohnd Tye Cify (ac9ustic) Sohund Cifty (ac9oustic) Souhnd Thye Citfy (aco9ustic)
So7nd Thee Ci5y (ac0ustic) So7und Th Ci5ty (ac0oustic) Sou7nd The Cit5y (aco0ustic) Soknd Ths Cihy (aclustic) Thse Cihty (acloustic)
Souknd Thes Cithy (acolustic) Soind Th3 Ciyy (aciustic) Th3e Ciyty (acioustic) Souind The3 Cityy (acoiustic) So8nd Thf Ci6y (acouustic)
So8und Thfe Ci6ty (acostic) Sou8nd Thef Cit6y (acosutic) Sojnd Thr Cigy (acohstic) Sojund Thre Cigty (acohustic) Soujnd Ther Citgy (acouhstic)
Soynd Th4 Ciry (aco7stic) Soyund Th4e Cirty (aco7ustic) Souynd The4 Citry (acou7stic) Sounnd Thd (acokstic) Soud Thde Cit
Soudn Thed City (acoukstic) Soumd Thw Citg (acoistic) Soumnd Thwe Sounmd Thew Cityg (acouistic) Souhd Cith (aco8stic)
(aco8ustic) Sounhd Cityh (acou8stic) Soujd Cit6 (acojstic) (acojustic) Sounjd City6 (acoujstic)
Soubd Citu (acoystic) Soubnd Cituy (acoyustic) Sounbd Cityu (acouystic) Soundd Cit7 (acousstic) Soun Cit7y (acoutic)
Sound City7 (acoutsic)

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