Tom Jones
The Hitter

Come to the door Ma, and unlock the chain
I was just passin' through and got caught in the rain
There's nothing I want, nothin' that you need say
Just let me lie down for a while and I'll be on my way?

I was no more than a kid when you put me on the Southern Queen
With the police on my back I fled to New Orleans
I fought in the dockyards and with the money I made
I knew the fight was my home and blood was my trade

Baton Rouge, Poncitoula, and Lafayette town
Well they paid me their money Ma I knocked the men down
I did what I did well it come easily
Restraint and mercy Ma were always strangers to me

I fought champion Jack Thompson in a field full of mud
Rain poured through the tent to the canvas and mixed with our blood
In the twelfth I slipped my tongue over my broken jaw
I stood over him and pounded his bloody body into the floor
Well the bell rang and rang and still I kept on
'Till I felt my glove leather slip 'tween his skin and bone

Then the women and the money came fast and the days I lost track
The women red, the money green, but the numbers were black
I fought for the men in their silk suits to lay down their bets
I took my good share Ma, I have no regrets

Then I took the fix at the state armory with big John McDowell
From high in the rafters I watched myself fall
As he raised his arm my stomach twisted and the sky it went black
I stuffed my bag with their good money and I never looked back

Understand, in the end Ma every man plays the game
If you know me one different then speak out his name
Ma if my voice now you don't recognize
Then just open the door and look into your dark eyes
I ask of you nothin', not a kiss not a smile,
Just open the door and let me lie down for a while

Now the gray rain's fallin' and my ring fightin's done
So in the work fields and alleys I take all who'll come
If you're a better man than me then just step to the line
Now there's nothin' I want Ma nothin' that you need say
Just let me lie down for a while and I'll be on my way

Tonight in the shipyard a man draws a circle in the dirt
I move to the center and I take off my shirt
I study him for the cuts, the scars, the pain,
Man, nor the time can erase
I move hard to the left and I strike to the face

Mirror lyrics:

I move hard to the left and I strike to the face
Man, nor the time can erase
I study him for the cuts, the scars, the pain,
I move to the center and I take off my shirt
Tonight in the shipyard a man draws a circle in the dirt

Just let me lie down for a while and I'll be on my way
Now there's nothin' I want Ma nothin' that you need say
If you're a better man than me then just step to the line
So in the work fields and alleys I take all who'll come
Now the gray rain's fallin' and my ring fightin's done

Just open the door and let me lie down for a while
I ask of you nothin', not a kiss not a smile,
Then just open the door and look into your dark eyes
Ma if my voice now you don't recognize
If you know me one different then speak out his name
Understand, in the end Ma every man plays the game

I stuffed my bag with their good money and I never looked back
As he raised his arm my stomach twisted and the sky it went black
From high in the rafters I watched myself fall
Then I took the fix at the state armory with big John McDowell

I took my good share Ma, I have no regrets
I fought for the men in their silk suits to lay down their bets
The women red, the money green, but the numbers were black
Then the women and the money came fast and the days I lost track

'Till I felt my glove leather slip 'tween his skin and bone
Well the bell rang and rang and still I kept on
I stood over him and pounded his bloody body into the floor
In the twelfth I slipped my tongue over my broken jaw
Rain poured through the tent to the canvas and mixed with our blood
I fought champion Jack Thompson in a field full of mud

Restraint and mercy Ma were always strangers to me
I did what I did well it come easily
Well they paid me their money Ma I knocked the men down
Baton Rouge, Poncitoula, and Lafayette town

I knew the fight was my home and blood was my trade
I fought in the dockyards and with the money I made
With the police on my back I fled to New Orleans
I was no more than a kid when you put me on the Southern Queen

Just let me lie down for a while and I'll be on my way?
There's nothing I want, nothin' that you need say
I was just passin' through and got caught in the rain
Come to the door Ma, and unlock the chain

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHitter he itter hTe iHtter fhe jitter fThe jHitter Tfhe Hjitter 5he uitter 5The uHitter T5he Huitter hhe nitter hThe nHitter
Thhe Hnitter yhe bitter yThe bHitter Tyhe Hbitter 6he gitter 6The gHitter T6he Hgitter ghe yitter gThe yHitter Tghe Hyitter rhe Hiitter
rThe Htter Trhe Htiter Hjtter Te Teh Hijtter Tje H9tter Tjhe H9itter Thje Hi9tter Tue Hltter Tuhe Hlitter Thue Hiltter
Tne Hotter Tnhe Hoitter Thne Hiotter Tbe Hktter Tbhe Hkitter Thbe Hiktter Tge H8tter H8itter Thge Hi8tter Tye Hutter Thye Hiutter
Thee Hittter Th Hiter The Hitter Ths Hifter Thse Hiftter Thes Hitfter Th3 Hi5ter Th3e Hi5tter The3 Hit5ter Thf Hihter Thfe Hihtter
Thef Hithter Thr Hiyter Thre Hiytter Ther Hityter Th4 Hi6ter

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