Almost A Whisper

The sound of holding on - almost a whisper
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The rain upon your face
Brings gravity and grace
And softly you begin to breath again

I don't have all the answers to your sad prayers
But if I could I'd give you angel's wings
To go where hope is found
With strength to reach beyond
And carries like a song upon the wind

Please don't give up
Please don't you give up
Cuz I believe
Yes, I believe
I still believe... in us

The sound of holding on - almost a whisper
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The rain upon your face
Brings gravity and grace
And softly you begin to breath again

Mirror lyrics:

And softly you begin to breath again
Brings gravity and grace
The rain upon your face
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The sound of holding on - almost a whisper

I still believe... in us
Yes, I believe
Cuz I believe
Please don't you give up
Please don't give up

And carries like a song upon the wind
With strength to reach beyond
To go where hope is found
But if I could I'd give you angel's wings
I don't have all the answers to your sad prayers

And softly you begin to breath again
Brings gravity and grace
The rain upon your face
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The sound of holding on - almost a whisper

Relevant Tags:
AAlmost AA WWhisper lmost hisper lAmost A hWisper zlmost z ahisper zAlmost zA aWhisper Azlmost Az Wahisper qlmost q 3hisper
qAlmost qA 3Whisper Aqlmost Aq W3hisper slmost s dhisper sAlmost sA dWhisper Aslmost As Wdhisper wlmost w ehisper wAlmost wA eWhisper
Awlmost Aw Wehisper xlmost x shisper xAlmost xA sWhisper Axlmost Ax Wshisper Allmost 2hisper Amost 2Whisper Amlost W2hisper
Akmost qhisper Aklmost qWhisper Alkmost Wqhisper Aomost Whhisper Aolmost Wisper Alomost Wihsper Apmost Wjisper
Aplmost Wjhisper Alpmost Whjisper Almmost Wuisper Alost Wuhisper Alomst Whuisper Aljost Wnisper Aljmost Wnhisper
Almjost Whnisper Alkost Wbisper Wbhisper Almkost Whbisper Alnost Wgisper Alnmost Wghisper Almnost Whgisper
Almoost Wyisper Almst Wyhisper Almsot Whyisper Almkst Whiisper Whsper Almokst Whsiper Alm9st Whjsper
Alm9ost Almo9st Whijsper Alm0st Wh9sper Alm0ost Wh9isper Almo0st Whi9sper Almlst Whlsper Almlost Whlisper
Almolst Whilsper Almist Whosper Almiost Whoisper Almoist Whiosper Almosst Whksper Almot Whkisper Almots Whiksper
Almozt Wh8sper Almozst Wh8isper Almoszt Whi8sper Almowt Whusper Almowst Almoswt Whiusper Almodt Whissper
Almodst Whiper Almosdt Whipser

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