Yankee Grey
Tell Me Something I Don't Know

Your bags are packed sittin' by the door
Your mama's waitin' outside in the car
It won't do no good to try to stop you now
'Cause you think you know for sure

You say good-bye baby don't cry
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You'll say you mean it, but honey I've seen it before
So come on tell me somethin' I don't know

You told me once Lord you told me twice
Maybe the third time will be the charm
But the chances are lordy you'll be back
Cryin' wolf again tomorrow

You say good-bye baby don't cry
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You'll say you mean it, but honey I've seen it before
So come on tell me something I don't know
Come on tell me something I don't know

You say good-bye baby don't cry
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You'll say you mean it but honey I've seen it before
So come on tell me somethin' I don't know
Cme on tell me somethin' I don't know
Somethin' I don't know
Somethin' I don't know
Lord, somethin' I don't know

Mirror lyrics:

Lord, somethin' I don't know
Somethin' I don't know
Somethin' I don't know
Cme on tell me somethin' I don't know
So come on tell me somethin' I don't know
You'll say you mean it but honey I've seen it before
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You say good-bye baby don't cry

Come on tell me something I don't know
So come on tell me something I don't know
You'll say you mean it, but honey I've seen it before
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You say good-bye baby don't cry

Cryin' wolf again tomorrow
But the chances are lordy you'll be back
Maybe the third time will be the charm
You told me once Lord you told me twice

So come on tell me somethin' I don't know
You'll say you mean it, but honey I've seen it before
'Cause this time your walkin' out the door
You say good-bye baby don't cry

'Cause you think you know for sure
It won't do no good to try to stop you now
Your mama's waitin' outside in the car
Your bags are packed sittin' by the door

Relevant Tags:
TTell MMe SSomething II DDon't KKnow ell e omething on't now eTll eM oSmething I oDn't nKow fell je zomething j xon't lnow fTell jMe zSomething jI xDon't lKnow
Tfell Mje Szomething Ij Dxon't Klnow 5ell ke womething 9 eon't onow 5Tell kMe wSomething 9I eDon't oKnow T5ell Mke Swomething I9 Deon't Konow hell ne domething l fon't mnow
hTell nMe dSomething lI fDon't mKnow Thell Mne Sdomething Il Dfon't Kmnow yell Mee eomething o ron't jnow yTell M eSomething oI rDon't jKnow Tyell Me Seomething Io Dron't Kjnow
6ell Ms xomething k con't inow 6Tell Mse xSomething kI cDon't iKnow T6ell Mes Sxomething Ik Dcon't Kinow gell M3 aomething 8 son't Knnow gTell M3e aSomething 8I sDon't Kow
Tgell Me3 Saomething I8 Dson't Konw rell Mf Soomething u Doon't Kmow rTell Mfe Smething uI Dn't Trell Mef Smoething Iu Dno't Knmow Teell Mr Skmething Dkn't Khow
Tll Mre Skomething Dkon't Khnow Tlel Mer Sokmething Dokn't Knhow Tsll M4 S9mething D9n't Kjow Tsell M4e S9omething D9on't Tesll Me4 So9mething Do9n't Knjow
T3ll Md S0mething D0n't Kbow T3ell Mde S0omething D0on't Kbnow Te3ll Med So0mething Do0n't Knbow Tfll Mw Slmething Dln't Knoow Mwe Slomething Dlon't Knw
Tefll Mew Solmething Doln't Knwo Trll Simething Din't Knkw Siomething Dion't Knkow Terll Soimething Doin't Knokw T4ll Sommething Donn't Kn9w
T4ell Soething Do't Kn9ow Te4ll Soemthing Do'nt Kno9w Tdll Sojething Dom't Kn0w Tdell Sojmething Domn't Kn0ow Tedll Somjething Donm't Kno0w
Twll Sokething Doh't Knlw Twell Dohn't Knlow Tewll Somkething Donh't Knolw Telll Sonething Doj't Kniw Tel Sonmething Dojn't Kniow
Tell Somnething Donj't Knoiw Tekl Someething Dob't Knoww Tekll Somthing Dobn't Kno Telkl Somtehing Donb't Know Teol Somsthing Don''t Knoa
Teoll Somsething Dont Knoaw Telol Somesthing Dont' Knowa Tepl Som3thing Don'tt Kno3 Tepll Som3ething Don' Kno3w Telpl Some3thing Don't Know3
Somfthing Don'f Knod Somfething Don'ft Knodw Somefthing Don'tf Knowd Telk Somrthing Don'5 Knoe Somrething Don'5t Knoew
Tellk Somerthing Don't5 Knowe Telo Som4thing Don'h Knos Som4ething Don'ht Knosw Tello Some4thing Don'th Knows Telp Somdthing Don'y Kno2
Somdething Don'yt Kno2w Tellp Somedthing Don'ty Know2 Somwthing Don'6 Knoq Somwething Don'6t Knoqw Somewthing Don't6 Knowq
Sometthing Don'g Somehing Don'gt Somehting Don'tg Somefhing Don'r Don'rt
Sometfhing Don'tr Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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