Yann Tiersen
Ways To Make You See (feat. Shannon Wright)

You are following me
Under crusted teeth (?)
No no no this cannot be
You'll never know who I am

Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me

Do you touch her
Like you touch me
Do you corrode her
Like you corrode me

Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me

I'm not the first
One falling past (?)
Voice that i've heard
(how my?) Disguise (?)
I'm not (hurt?)
I'm not afraid (?)
I'm not (afraid / praise?)
I'm not afraid (?)

Mirror lyrics:

I'm not afraid (?)
I'm not (afraid / praise?)
I'm not afraid (?)
I'm not (hurt?)
(how my?) Disguise (?)
Voice that i've heard
One falling past (?)
I'm not the first

It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see

Like you corrode me
Do you corrode her
Like you touch me
Do you touch her

It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see
It's not that love has failed me
Ways to make you see

You'll never know who I am
No no no this cannot be
Under crusted teeth (?)
You are following me

Relevant Tags:
WWays TTo MMake YYou SSee ((feat. SShannon WWright) ays o ake ou ee feat. hannon right) aWys oT aMke oYu eSe f(eat. hSannon rWight)
aays fo jake gou zee (ffeat. zhannon aright) aWays fTo jMake gYou zSee (eat. zShannon aWright) Waays Tfo Mjake Ygou Szee (efat. Szhannon Waright)
3ays 5o kake hou wee (ceat. whannon 3right) 3Ways 5To kMake hYou wSee (cfeat. wShannon 3Wright) W3ays T5o Mkake Yhou Swee (fceat. Swhannon W3right)
days ho nake 6ou dee (reat. dhannon dright) dWays hTo nMake 6You dSee (rfeat. dShannon dWright) Wdays Tho Mnake Y6ou Sdee (freat. Sdhannon Wdright)
eays yo Maake uou eee (geat. ehannon eright) eWays yTo Mke uYou eSee (gfeat. eShannon eWright) Weays Tyo Mkae Yuou Seee (fgeat. Sehannon Weright)
says 6o Mzke 7ou xee (teat. xhannon sright) sWays 6To Mzake 7You xSee (tfeat. xShannon sWright) Wsays T6o Mazke Y7ou Sxee (fteat. Sxhannon Wsright)
2ays go Mqke jou aee (veat. ahannon 2right) 2Ways gTo Mqake jYou aSee (vfeat. aShannon 2Wright) W2ays Tgo Maqke Yjou Saee (fveat. Sahannon W2right)
qays ro Mske tou (deat. Shhannon qright) qWays rTo Msake tYou Se (dfeat. Sannon qWright) Wqays Tro Maske Ytou See (fdeat. Sahnnon Wqright)
Too Mwke Yoou Sse (feeat. Sjannon Wrright) Wys T Mwake Yu Ssee (fat. Sjhannon Wight) Wyas To Mawke Yuo Sese (faet. Shjannon Wirght)
Wzys Tk Mxke Yku S3e (fsat. Suannon Wdight) Wzays Tko Mxake Ykou S3ee (fseat. Suhannon Wazys Tok Maxke Yoku Se3e (fesat. Shuannon Wrdight)
Wqys T9 Makke Y9u Sfe (f3at. Snannon W4ight) T9o Mae Y9ou Sfee (f3eat. Snhannon W4right) Waqys To9 Maek Yo9u Sefe (fe3at. Shnannon Wr4ight)
Wsys T0 Male Y0u Sre (ffat. Sbannon Wgight) T0o Malke Y0ou Sree Sbhannon Wgright) Wasys To0 Makle Yo0u Sere (fefat. Shbannon Wrgight)
Wwys Tl Maoe Ylu S4e (frat. Sgannon Wtight) Wways Tlo Maoke Ylou S4ee Sghannon Wtright) Wawys Tol Makoe Yolu Se4e (ferat. Shgannon Wrtight)
Wxys Ti Mame Yiu Sde (f4at. Syannon W5ight) Wxays Tio Mamke Yiou (f4eat. Syhannon W5right) Waxys Toi Makme Yoiu Sede (fe4at. Shyannon Wr5ight)
Wayys Maje Youu Swe (fdat. Shaannon Wfight) Was Majke Yo Shnnon Wfright) Wasy Makje You Sewe (fedat. Shnanon Wrfight)
Wags Maie Yoh (fwat. Shznnon Weight) Wagys Maike Yohu (fweat. Shzannon Waygs Makie Youh (fewat. Shaznnon Wreight)
Wahs Makee Yo7 Ses (feaat. Shqnnon Wriight) Wahys Mak Yo7u (fet. Shqannon Wrght) Wayhs Make You7 Sees (feta. Shaqnnon Wrgiht)
Wa6s Maks Yok Se3 (fezt. Shsnnon Wrjght) Wa6ys Makse (fezat. Shsannon Wrjight) Way6s Makes Youk See3 (feazt. Shasnnon Wrijght)
Waus Mak3 Yoi Sef (feqt. Shwnnon Wr9ght) Wauys Mak3e (feqat. Shwannon Wr9ight) Wayus Make3 Youi Seef (feaqt. Shawnnon Wri9ght)
Wa7s Makf Yo8 Ser (fest. Shxnnon Wrlght) Wa7ys Makfe Yo8u Shxannon Wrlight) Way7s Makef You8 Seer (feast. Shaxnnon Wrilght)
Wajs Makr Yoj Se4 (fewt. Shannnon Wroght) Wajys Makre Yoju Shanon Wroight) Wayjs Maker Youj See4 (feawt. Shannon Wrioght)
Wats Mak4 Yoy Sed (fext. Shamnon Wrkght) Watys Mak4e Yoyu (fexat. Shamnnon Wrkight) Wayts Make4 Youy Seed (feaxt. Shanmnon Wrikght)

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