Todd Rundgren
Be Nice To Me

No catch, no strings
None of the usual things, I'm happy just to lay and look
Let's throw out the book, now we're off the hook
And please just be nice to me, won't you be nice to me

So tired, so sad
So sick of being had by everyone who comes along
Would it be so wrong if you played along
And please just be nice to me
And would it bring you down if I hang around
Just be nice to me

It's been a long, long time since I felt so fine
And I know your love is fine
I know what's on your mind
But don't laugh, don't cry, don't make me wonder why
You're doing what you're doing now
Can't you see somehow it's the wrong time now
So please just be nice to me

Be nice to me
It's been a long, long time since I felt so fine
Just be nice to me
You know I ain't in heat
And it would feel real neat
If you would just be nice to me

Mirror lyrics:

If you would just be nice to me
And it would feel real neat
You know I ain't in heat
Just be nice to me
It's been a long, long time since I felt so fine
Be nice to me

So please just be nice to me
Can't you see somehow it's the wrong time now
You're doing what you're doing now
But don't laugh, don't cry, don't make me wonder why
I know what's on your mind
And I know your love is fine
It's been a long, long time since I felt so fine

Just be nice to me
And would it bring you down if I hang around
And please just be nice to me
Would it be so wrong if you played along
So sick of being had by everyone who comes along
So tired, so sad

And please just be nice to me, won't you be nice to me
Let's throw out the book, now we're off the hook
None of the usual things, I'm happy just to lay and look
No catch, no strings

Relevant Tags:
BBe NNice TTo MMe e ice o e eB iNce oT eM ve mice fo je vBe mNice fTo jMe Bve Nmice Tfo Mje ge hice 5o ke gBe hNice 5To kMe Bge Nhice T5o Mke
ne jice ho ne nBe jNice hTo nMe Bne Njice Tho Mne he bice yo Mee hBe bNice yTo M Bhe Nbice Tyo Me Bee Niice 6o Ms B Nce 6To Mse Be Ncie T6o Mes
Bs Njce go M3 Bse gTo M3e Bes Nijce Tgo Me3 B3 N9ce ro Mf B3e N9ice rTo Mfe Be3 Ni9ce Tro Mef Bf Nlce Too Mr Bfe Nlice T Mre Bef Nilce To Mer
Br Noce Tk M4 Bre Noice Tko M4e Ber Nioce Tok Me4 B4 Nkce T9 Md B4e Nkice T9o Mde Be4 Nikce To9 Med Bd N8ce T0 Mw Bde N8ice T0o Mwe Bed Ni8ce To0 Mew
Bw Nuce Tl Bwe Nuice Tlo

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