Toby Keith
Blame It On The Mistletoe

The middle of December ain't the time to be alone
It's just too close to Christmas
And too far to go home
I ran in to a friend of a friend
Standing in checkout line
She said, I've spent too much already
And there's gifts I just can't find
I walked her home and when she opened up her door
I'm not sure what happened then
Guess magic took it's course

Blame it on the mistletoe
'Cause what happened here nobody knows
How could something simple as a kiss
Change my holiday like this
And we held each other all night long
And we fell asleep to a Christmas song
Playin' on the radio
Blame it on the mistletoe

I woke up, she was wrappin' gifts beneath the tree
She said, I know it's early, so I thought I'd let you sleep
Then she insisted I get up and take a look outside
Hey sleepyhead, it must have snowed at least a foot last night
That's when I saw it hangin' up above my head
She threw her arms around my neck
Laughin' as she said

Blame it on the mistletoe
'Cause what happened here nobody knows
How could something simple as a kiss
Change my holiday like this
And we held each other all night long
And we fell asleep to a Christmas song
Playin' on the radio
Blame it on the mistletoe

Mirror lyrics:

Blame it on the mistletoe
Playin' on the radio
And we fell asleep to a Christmas song
And we held each other all night long
Change my holiday like this
How could something simple as a kiss
'Cause what happened here nobody knows
Blame it on the mistletoe

Laughin' as she said
She threw her arms around my neck
That's when I saw it hangin' up above my head
Hey sleepyhead, it must have snowed at least a foot last night
Then she insisted I get up and take a look outside
She said, I know it's early, so I thought I'd let you sleep
I woke up, she was wrappin' gifts beneath the tree

Blame it on the mistletoe
Playin' on the radio
And we fell asleep to a Christmas song
And we held each other all night long
Change my holiday like this
How could something simple as a kiss
'Cause what happened here nobody knows
Blame it on the mistletoe

Guess magic took it's course
I'm not sure what happened then
I walked her home and when she opened up her door
And there's gifts I just can't find
She said, I've spent too much already
Standing in checkout line
I ran in to a friend of a friend
And too far to go home
It's just too close to Christmas
The middle of December ain't the time to be alone

Relevant Tags:
BBlame IIt OOn TThe MMistletoe lame t n he istletoe lBame tI nO hTe iMstletoe vlame jt kn fhe jistletoe vBlame jIt kOn fThe jMistletoe
Bvlame Ijt Okn Tfhe Mjistletoe glame 9t 9n 5he kistletoe gBlame 9It 9On 5The kMistletoe Bglame I9t O9n T5he Mkistletoe nlame lt 0n hhe nistletoe
nBlame lIt 0On hThe nMistletoe Bnlame Ilt O0n Thhe Mnistletoe hlame ot ln yhe Miistletoe hBlame oIt lOn yThe Mstletoe Bhlame Iot Oln Tyhe Msitletoe
Bllame kt in 6he Mjstletoe Bame kIt iOn 6The Balme Ikt Oin T6he Mijstletoe Bkame 8t Onn ghe M9stletoe Bklame 8It O gThe M9istletoe
Blkame I8t On Tghe Mi9stletoe Boame ut Om rhe Mlstletoe Bolame uIt Omn rThe Mlistletoe Bloame Iut Onm Trhe Milstletoe Bpame Itt Oh Mostletoe
Bplame I Ohn Te Moistletoe Blpame It Onh Teh Miostletoe Blaame If Oj Tje Mkstletoe Blme Ift Ojn Tjhe Blmae Itf Onj Thje Mikstletoe
Blzme I5 Ob Tue M8stletoe Blzame I5t Obn Tuhe M8istletoe Blazme It5 Onb Thue Mi8stletoe Blqme Ih Tne Mustletoe Blqame Iht Tnhe Muistletoe
Blaqme Ith Thne Miustletoe Blsme Iy Tbe Misstletoe Blsame Iyt Tbhe Mitletoe Blasme Ity Thbe Mitsletoe Blwme I6 Tge Miztletoe
Blwame I6t Mizstletoe Blawme It6 Thge Misztletoe Blxme Ig Tye Miwtletoe Blxame Igt Miwstletoe Blaxme Itg Thye Miswtletoe
Blamme Ir Thee Midtletoe Blae Irt Th Midstletoe Blaem Itr The Misdtletoe Blaje Ths Mietletoe Blajme Thse Miestletoe
Blamje Thes Misetletoe Blake Th3 Mixtletoe Blakme Th3e Mixstletoe Blamke The3 Misxtletoe Blane Thf Miatletoe
Blanme Thfe Miastletoe Blamne Thef Misatletoe Blamee Thr Misttletoe Blam Thre Misletoe Blame Ther Misltetoe
Blams Th4 Misfletoe Blamse Th4e Misftletoe Blames The4 Mistfletoe Blam3 Thd Mis5letoe Blam3e Thde Mis5tletoe
Blame3 Thed Mist5letoe Blamf Thw Mishletoe Blamfe Thwe Mishtletoe Blamef Thew Misthletoe Blamr Misyletoe
Blamre Misytletoe Blamer Mistyletoe Blam4 Mis6letoe Blam4e Mis6tletoe Blame4 Mist6letoe
Blamd Misgletoe Blamde Misgtletoe Blamed Mistgletoe Blamw Misrletoe Blamwe Misrtletoe
Blamew Mistrletoe Mistlletoe Mistetoe Misteltoe Mistketoe
Mistkletoe Mistlketoe Mistoetoe Mistoletoe Mistloetoe

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