This Is How It Should Be Done

This is how is should be done
This is how it should be done comin' out of the black shade
Fightin' to lighten a path made back
Let's go way back to the beginnin'
That's when an idea took part from the start
Listen to another Marley beat I'm impatient
I gotta leave my seat for motivation
Pump the bass what's next
Kckin' the steps me and the mirror's havin' wreck
So hard that I cracked my neck
And I'm poppin sweat now I'm soakin' wet
But I feeeel it
Grab the beat cause I must
Defeat it's a funky groove
So I steeeel it
To improve what could
Soon be the Left Eye move
Pin it down and snatch a sample to loop it up
And start makin' my own example cause

This is how it should be done
This is how it should be done (yeah, yeah)
This is how it should be done
This is how it should be done
This style is identical to none

This is how it should be done steppin' into a shade a bit lighter
Now is the time to write a rhyme a rhythmic type of memo
Tick-tack it to the track it is now my demo-kay
What's to da where's to go yo I don't know
Who's to see see ya at the local show
Me and Mo takin' a chance and he's dancin'
Round and round the deck as I flow
But what an awkward situation
Cause there's not much crowd participation
For checkin' me out I'm too new it
Gots to be somethin' else another way to do it
So I sit back and think for a minute
Which city needs a little more talent in it
Maybe A.T.L. is the place packed up left Philly gotta hit LaFace


This is how it should be done (hey)
This style is identical to none

This is how it should be done and I'm comin' through
Grippin' the mic spittin' out what's after verse 2
And ready to rock the spot cause I'm on it
They wanna see what I got
Givin' it all and makin' it seem so simple to be myself
Along wit' doin' what I do
Cool they want me not knowin' I'm soon to be the "L" of TLC
Word up T.B.O.Z. that's T-Boz
Saucin' it up is Chilli
We three alike all small in height but I'm Left Eye
Cause the eye is right
So now they thinkin' well is we ready enough
Yeah it's time to get busy
The aftermath is the brightest path so far
Yo cause here we are

This is how it should be done
This is how, this is how


Mirror lyrics:


This is how, this is how
This is how it should be done

Yo cause here we are
The aftermath is the brightest path so far
Yeah it's time to get busy
So now they thinkin' well is we ready enough
Cause the eye is right
We three alike all small in height but I'm Left Eye
Saucin' it up is Chilli
Word up T.B.O.Z. that's T-Boz
Cool they want me not knowin' I'm soon to be the "L" of TLC
Along wit' doin' what I do
Givin' it all and makin' it seem so simple to be myself
They wanna see what I got
And ready to rock the spot cause I'm on it
Grippin' the mic spittin' out what's after verse 2
This is how it should be done and I'm comin' through

This style is identical to none
This is how it should be done (hey)


Maybe A.T.L. is the place packed up left Philly gotta hit LaFace
Which city needs a little more talent in it
So I sit back and think for a minute
Gots to be somethin' else another way to do it
For checkin' me out I'm too new it
Cause there's not much crowd participation
But what an awkward situation
Round and round the deck as I flow
Me and Mo takin' a chance and he's dancin'
Who's to see see ya at the local show
What's to da where's to go yo I don't know
Tick-tack it to the track it is now my demo-kay
Now is the time to write a rhyme a rhythmic type of memo
This is how it should be done steppin' into a shade a bit lighter

This style is identical to none
This is how it should be done
This is how it should be done
This is how it should be done (yeah, yeah)
This is how it should be done

And start makin' my own example cause
Pin it down and snatch a sample to loop it up
Soon be the Left Eye move
To improve what could
So I steeeel it
Defeat it's a funky groove
Grab the beat cause I must
But I feeeel it
And I'm poppin sweat now I'm soakin' wet
So hard that I cracked my neck
Kckin' the steps me and the mirror's havin' wreck
Pump the bass what's next
I gotta leave my seat for motivation
Listen to another Marley beat I'm impatient
That's when an idea took part from the start
Let's go way back to the beginnin'
Fightin' to lighten a path made back
This is how it should be done comin' out of the black shade
This is how is should be done

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TThis IIs HHow IIt SShould BBe DDone his s ow t hould e one hTis sI oHw tI hSould eB oDne fhis js jow jt zhould ve xone fThis jIs jHow jIt zShould vBe xDone
Tfhis Ijs Hjow Ijt Szhould Bve Dxone 5his 9s uow 9t whould ge eone 5This 9Is uHow 9It wShould gBe eDone T5his I9s Huow I9t Swhould Bge Deone hhis ls now lt dhould ne fone
hThis lIs nHow lIt dShould nBe fDone Thhis Ils Hnow Ilt Sdhould Bne Dfone yhis os bow ot ehould he rone yThis oIs bHow oIt eShould hBe rDone Tyhis Ios Hbow Iot Sehould Bhe Drone
6his ks gow kt xhould Bee cone 6This kIs gHow kIt xShould B cDone T6his Iks Hgow Ikt Sxhould Be Dcone ghis 8s yow 8t ahould Bs sone gThis 8Is yHow 8It aShould Bse sDone
Tghis I8s Hyow I8t Sahould Bes Dsone rhis us Hoow ut Shhould B3 Doone rThis uIs Hw uIt Sould B3e Dne Trhis Ius Hwo Iut Sohuld Be3 Dnoe Iss Hkw Itt Sjould Bf Dkne
Tis I Hkow I Sjhould Bfe Dkone Tihs Is Hokw It Shjould Bef Dokne Tjis Iz H9w If Suould Br D9ne Tjhis Izs H9ow Ift Suhould Bre D9one Thjis Isz Ho9w Itf Shuould Ber Do9ne
Tuis Iw H0w I5 Snould B4 D0ne Tuhis Iws H0ow I5t Snhould B4e D0one Thuis Isw Ho0w It5 Shnould Be4 Do0ne Tnis Id Hlw Ih Sbould Bd Dlne Tnhis Ids Hlow Iht Sbhould Bde Dlone
Thnis Isd Holw Ith Shbould Bed Dolne Tbis Ie Hiw Iy Sgould Bw Dine Tbhis Ies Hiow Iyt Sghould Bwe Dione Thbis Ise Hoiw Ity Shgould Bew Doine Tgis Ix Howw I6 Syould Donne
Ixs Ho I6t Syhould Doe Thgis Isx How It6 Shyould Doen Tyis Ia Hoa Ig Shoould Dome Ias Hoaw Igt Shuld Domne Thyis Isa Howa Itg Shuold Donme
Thiis Ho3 Ir Shkuld Dohe Ths Ho3w Irt Shkould Dohne Thsi How3 Itr Shokuld Donhe Thjs Hod Sh9uld Doje Hodw Sh9ould Dojne
Thijs Howd Sho9uld Donje Th9s Hoe Sh0uld Dobe Th9is Hoew Sh0ould Dobne Thi9s Howe Sho0uld Donbe Thls Hos Shluld Donee
Thlis Hosw Shlould Don Thils Hows Sholuld Done

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