Tegan & Sara Back In Your Head (tiãƒâ«sto Remix)

Build a wall of books between us in our bed
Repeat, repeat the words that I know we both have said
Relax into the need
We get so comfortable
Remember when I was so strange and likeable

I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray

When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little

When I jerk away from holding hands with you
I know these habits hurt important parts of you
Remember when I was sweet and unexplainable
Nothing like this person, unlovable

I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray

When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared

I just want back in your head
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray

When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little

Run, run, run
Run, run, run

I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray

I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray

Mirror lyrics:

But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head

But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful

Run, run, run
Run, run, run

When I get a little
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared

But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
I just want back in your head

When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared

But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head

Nothing like this person, unlovable
Remember when I was sweet and unexplainable
I know these habits hurt important parts of you
When I jerk away from holding hands with you

When I get a little
When I get a little scared
When I get a little scared

But I'll stray
I'm not unfaithful
I just want back in your head
I just want back in your head

Remember when I was so strange and likeable
We get so comfortable
Relax into the need
Repeat, repeat the words that I know we both have said
Build a wall of books between us in our bed

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