Yourcodenameis Milo
Tv Is Better Than Real Life

Take your time, it's the middle it dropped, just open up your heart
Free tonight, is the difference you can sleep now when it's dark

Take your time, it's the middle it dropped just open up your heart
Free tonight, is the difference you can sleep now when it's dark

And I'll see it, and I'll see it takes away
And I'll see it, and I'll see it
This is a fact, it's a fact, it's a fact, it's a fact
She's on her way it's true
She's on her way it's true hahaha...

Mirror lyrics:

She's on her way it's true hahaha...
She's on her way it's true
This is a fact, it's a fact, it's a fact, it's a fact
And I'll see it, and I'll see it
And I'll see it, and I'll see it takes away

Free tonight, is the difference you can sleep now when it's dark
Take your time, it's the middle it dropped just open up your heart

Free tonight, is the difference you can sleep now when it's dark
Take your time, it's the middle it dropped, just open up your heart

Relevant Tags:
TTv IIs BBetter TThan RReal LLife v s etter han eal ife vT sI eBtter hTan eRal iLfe fv js vetter fhan deal kife fTv jIs vBetter fThan dReal kLife
Tfv Ijs Bvetter Tfhan Rdeal Lkife 5v 9s getter 5han 4eal oife 5Tv 9Is gBetter 5Than 4Real oLife T5v I9s Bgetter T5han R4eal Loife hv ls netter hhan geal pife
hTv lIs nBetter hThan gReal pLife Thv Ils Bnetter Thhan Rgeal Lpife yv os hetter yhan teal Liife yTv oIs hBetter yThan tReal Lfe Tyv Ios Bhetter Tyhan Rteal Lfie
6v ks Beetter 6han 5eal Ljfe 6Tv kIs Btter 6Than 5Real Ljife T6v Iks Bteter T6han R5eal Lijfe gv 8s Bstter ghan feal L9fe gTv 8Is Bsetter gThan fReal L9ife
Tgv I8s Bestter Tghan Rfeal Li9fe rv us B3tter rhan eeal Llfe rTv uIs B3etter rThan eReal Llife Trv Ius Be3tter Trhan Reeal Lilfe Tvv Iss Bftter Lofe
T I Bfetter Tan Ral Tv Is Beftter Tahn Rael Liofe Tb Iz Brtter Tjan Rsal Lkfe Tbv Izs Bretter Tjhan Rseal Tvb Isz Bertter Thjan Resal Likfe
Tc Iw B4tter Tuan R3al L8fe Tcv Iws B4etter Tuhan R3eal L8ife Tvc Isw Be4tter Thuan Re3al Li8fe Tg Id Bdtter Tnan Rfal Lufe Ids Bdetter Tnhan Luife
Tvg Isd Bedtter Thnan Refal Liufe Tf Ie Bwtter Tban Rral Liffe Ies Bwetter Tbhan Rreal Lie Tvf Ise Bewtter Thban Reral Lief Ix Bettter Tgan R4al Lice
Ixs Beter Licfe Isx Better Thgan Re4al Lifce Ia Befter Tyan Rdal Lire Ias Lirfe Isa Betfter Thyan Redal Lifre
Be5ter Thaan Rwal Lige Be5tter Thn Rweal Ligfe Bet5ter Thna Rewal Lifge Behter Thzn Reaal Lite Behtter Thzan Rel Litfe
Bethter Thazn Rela Lifte Beyter Thqn Rezl Live Beytter Thqan Rezal Livfe Betyter Thaqn Reazl Lifve Be6ter Thsn Reql Lide
Be6tter Thsan Reqal Lidfe Bet6ter Thasn Reaql Lifde Begter Thwn Resl Lifee

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