Young The Giant
Texas Tea

I’m waiting for the sun to rise
So I can find my way back to Texas
But oh it’s still dark outside
Cuz I can taste the fire on my lips

And so I say to lord I’m so tired of this mess
But this nation still burns at night
Our ribs the coal of progress

So hey, get away from here, old ghost
We don’t like your kind, soldier
Defend this land and fight

The fields of corn they turn to dust
Said the cross-eyed boy from Pawnee
The old machines are laid to rest
New England stars, they’re lovely

And so I say to him, boy, have you seen men in these parts
Hey hey yeah yeah
Black gold swims under the dirt

So hey, get away from here, old ghost
We don’t like your kind, soldier
Defend this land and fight

Oh oh oh…

Hey Hey Yah Yah!...

Mirror lyrics:

Hey Hey Yah Yah!...

Oh oh oh…

Defend this land and fight
We don’t like your kind, soldier
So hey, get away from here, old ghost

Black gold swims under the dirt
Hey hey yeah yeah
And so I say to him, boy, have you seen men in these parts

New England stars, they’re lovely
The old machines are laid to rest
Said the cross-eyed boy from Pawnee
The fields of corn they turn to dust

Defend this land and fight
We don’t like your kind, soldier
So hey, get away from here, old ghost

Our ribs the coal of progress
But this nation still burns at night
And so I say to lord I’m so tired of this mess

Cuz I can taste the fire on my lips
But oh it’s still dark outside
So I can find my way back to Texas
I’m waiting for the sun to rise

Relevant Tags:
TTexas TTea exas ea eTxas eTa fexas fea fTexas fTea Tfexas Tfea 5exas 5ea 5Texas 5Tea T5exas T5ea hexas hea hTexas hTea
Thexas Thea yexas yea yTexas yTea Tyexas Tyea 6exas 6ea 6Texas 6Tea T6exas T6ea gexas gea gTexas gTea Tgexas Tgea rexas rea
rTexas rTea Trexas Trea Teexas Teea Txas Ta Txeas Tae Tsxas Tsa Tsexas Tsea Tesxas Tesa T3xas T3a T3exas T3ea Te3xas Te3a
Tfxas Tfa Tefxas Tefa Trxas Tra Terxas Tera T4xas T4a T4exas T4ea Te4xas Te4a Tdxas Tda Tdexas Tdea Tedxas Teda

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