Could You Love Me

Verse 1:
Sometimes I don't know
Where do I go?
Who do I turn to? [Oh baby]
When you found something new, somebody who
Makes me feel so full when I'm empty

Now tell me this time
Don't you know I'm losing my mind
Is the feeling mutual, cuz I,
Baby I just gotta know, gotta know
Now tell me

Could you love got my heart invested
Would you love if I give you my best
And could you love baby, here's the question
Could you love me [could you love me]
Could you love
I leave myself wide open
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
Could you love
These words I've spoken
Could you love me?

Verse 2
I can't ascertain cuz now its too late
Look what you've done to me
I've fallen

Now tell me this time
Don't you know I'm losing my mind
Is the feeling mutual, cuz I,
Baby I just gotta know, gotta know
Tell me

Could you love got my heart invested
Would you love if I give you my best
And could you love baby, here's the question
Could you love me [could you love me]
Could you love
I leave myself wide open
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
Could you love
These words I've spoken
Could you love me?

Do you understand?
I've given all I can
What more can I do? [ooh baby]
You gotta let me know
You gotta let your feelings show
Could you love, baby would you love me if [baby, I love you]

Could you love got my heart invested
Would you love if I give my best
And could you love baby, here's the question
Could you love me [could you love me]
Could you love
I leave myself wide open
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
Could you love
These words I've spoken
Could you love me?

Could you love got my heart invested
Would you love if I give my best
And could you love baby, here's the question
Could you love me [could you love me]
Could you love
I leave myself wide open
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
Could you love
These words I've spoken
Could you love me?

Mirror lyrics:

Could you love me?
These words I've spoken
Could you love
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
I leave myself wide open
Could you love
Could you love me [could you love me]
And could you love baby, here's the question
Would you love if I give my best
Could you love got my heart invested

Could you love me?
These words I've spoken
Could you love
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
I leave myself wide open
Could you love
Could you love me [could you love me]
And could you love baby, here's the question
Would you love if I give my best
Could you love got my heart invested

Could you love, baby would you love me if [baby, I love you]
You gotta let your feelings show
You gotta let me know
What more can I do? [ooh baby]
I've given all I can
Do you understand?

Could you love me?
These words I've spoken
Could you love
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
I leave myself wide open
Could you love
Could you love me [could you love me]
And could you love baby, here's the question
Would you love if I give you my best
Could you love got my heart invested

Tell me
Baby I just gotta know, gotta know
Is the feeling mutual, cuz I,
Don't you know I'm losing my mind
Now tell me this time

I've fallen
Look what you've done to me
I can't ascertain cuz now its too late
Verse 2

Could you love me?
These words I've spoken
Could you love
Would you love and inside I'm hopin'
I leave myself wide open
Could you love
Could you love me [could you love me]
And could you love baby, here's the question
Would you love if I give you my best
Could you love got my heart invested

Now tell me
Baby I just gotta know, gotta know
Is the feeling mutual, cuz I,
Don't you know I'm losing my mind
Now tell me this time

Makes me feel so full when I'm empty
When you found something new, somebody who
Who do I turn to? [Oh baby]
Where do I go?
Sometimes I don't know
Verse 1:

Relevant Tags:
CCould YYou LLove MMe ould ou ove e oCuld oYu oLve eM fould gou kove je fCould gYou kLove jMe Cfould Ygou Lkove Mje
xould hou oove ke xCould hYou oLove kMe Cxould Yhou Loove Mke vould 6ou pove ne vCould 6You pLove nMe Cvould Y6ou Lpove Mne
dould uou Mee dCould uYou Lve M Cdould Yuou Lvoe Me Coould 7ou Lkve Ms Culd 7You Mse Cuold Y7ou Lokve Mes
Ckuld jou L9ve M3 Ckould jYou L9ove M3e Cokuld Yjou Lo9ve Me3 C9uld tou L0ve Mf C9ould tYou L0ove Mfe Co9uld Ytou Lo0ve Mef
C0uld Yoou Llve Mr C0ould Yu Llove Mre Co0uld Yuo Lolve Mer Cluld Yku Live M4 Clould Ykou Liove M4e Coluld Yoku Loive Me4
Ciuld Y9u Lovve Md Ciould Y9ou Loe Mde Coiuld Yo9u Loev Med Couuld Y0u Lobe Mw Cold Y0ou Lobve Mwe Colud Yo0u Lovbe Mew
Cohld Ylu Loce Cohuld Ylou Locve Couhld Yolu Lovce Co7ld Yiu Loge Co7uld Yiou Logve Cou7ld Yoiu Lovge
Cokld Youu Lofe Yo Lofve

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