Young Marble Giants
Music For Evenings

I don't need you to love me
I don't need you to care
Take your body from by me
Be yourself over there

Though you think you adore me
Secretly you just bore me
When I'm thinking of something
You always come up nothing

Now I'm not a neurotic
Or my business spasmodic
And my only excuse is:
Everything comes from chaos

Keep your music for evenings
And your coffee for callers
Say goodbye to your freedom
Don't come here with your wallet

Mirror lyrics:

Don't come here with your wallet
Say goodbye to your freedom
And your coffee for callers
Keep your music for evenings

Everything comes from chaos
And my only excuse is:
Or my business spasmodic
Now I'm not a neurotic

You always come up nothing
When I'm thinking of something
Secretly you just bore me
Though you think you adore me

Be yourself over there
Take your body from by me
I don't need you to care
I don't need you to love me

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MMusic FFor EEvenings usic or venings uMsic oFr vEenings jusic cor svenings jMusic cFor sEvenings Mjusic Fcor Esvenings
kusic ror 3venings kMusic rFor 3Evenings Mkusic Fror E3venings nusic gor fvenings nMusic gFor fEvenings Mnusic Fgor Efvenings
Muusic tor rvenings Msic tFor rEvenings Msuic Ftor Ervenings Mhsic vor 4venings Mhusic vFor 4Evenings Muhsic Fvor E4venings
M7sic dor dvenings M7usic dFor dEvenings Mu7sic Fdor Edvenings Mksic Foor wvenings Fr wEvenings Muksic Fro Ewvenings
Misic Fkr Evvenings Miusic Fkor Eenings Muisic Fokr Eevnings M8sic F9r Ebenings M8usic F9or Ebvenings Mu8sic Fo9r Evbenings
Mjsic F0r Ecenings F0or Ecvenings Mujsic Fo0r Evcenings Mysic Flr Egenings Myusic Flor Egvenings Muysic Folr Evgenings
Mussic Fir Efenings Muic Fior Muisc Foir Evfenings Muzic Forr Eveenings Muzsic Fo Evnings Muszic For Evneings
Muwic Fod Evsnings Muwsic Fodr Evsenings Muswic Ford Evesnings Mudic Fo4 Ev3nings Mudsic Fo4r Ev3enings Musdic For4 Eve3nings
Mueic Fog Evfnings Muesic Fogr Museic Forg Evefnings Muxic Fot Evrnings Muxsic Fotr Evrenings Musxic Fort Evernings
Muaic Fo5 Ev4nings Muasic Fo5r Ev4enings Musaic For5 Eve4nings Musiic Fof Evdnings Musc Fofr Evdenings Musci Forf Evednings
Musjc Foe Evwnings Musjic Foer Evwenings Musijc Fore Evewnings Mus9c Evennings Mus9ic Eveings Musi9c Eveinngs
Muslc Evemings Muslic Evemnings Musilc Evenmings Musoc Evehings Musoic Evehnings Musioc Evenhings
Muskc Evejings Muskic Evejnings Musikc Evenjings Mus8c Evebings Mus8ic Evebnings

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