Young Marble Giants
Eating Noddemix

Staring at the mirror on
the steamy bathroom wall
eating a Noddemix
As the people are running
the highrise starts to fall
While she neatly wipes her lips

The reporters pick up
their pads and pens
As they rush to the scene
And the cameras wink on the gory views
How the Editors agree

Putting on her makeup
she glances at the clock
Next she'll paint her nails
The train has collided
the driver didn't stop
As she slips onto the scales

Looking for her car keys
she finds them in her shoe
Lift the magazine from the floor
That long-ago mystery
has revealed another clue
As she quickly shuts the door

Yeah, man, they just pulled over now,
And it looks like it's gonna be an all-night job tonight, you know.
If you could send a few cars, it would sure help a lot.
And I should sip wine in front of the TV tonight
Because there's a program I wish you to see.
I'll start making a few inquiries already.
Ok, that's all for now

Mirror lyrics:

Ok, that's all for now
I'll start making a few inquiries already.
Because there's a program I wish you to see.
And I should sip wine in front of the TV tonight
If you could send a few cars, it would sure help a lot.
And it looks like it's gonna be an all-night job tonight, you know.
Yeah, man, they just pulled over now,

As she quickly shuts the door
has revealed another clue
That long-ago mystery
Lift the magazine from the floor
she finds them in her shoe
Looking for her car keys

As she slips onto the scales
the driver didn't stop
The train has collided
Next she'll paint her nails
she glances at the clock
Putting on her makeup

How the Editors agree
And the cameras wink on the gory views
As they rush to the scene
their pads and pens
The reporters pick up

While she neatly wipes her lips
the highrise starts to fall
As the people are running
eating a Noddemix
the steamy bathroom wall
Staring at the mirror on

Relevant Tags:
EEating NNoddemix ating oddemix aEting oNddemix sating moddemix sEating mNoddemix Esating Nmoddemix 3ating hoddemix
3Eating hNoddemix E3ating Nhoddemix fating joddemix fEating jNoddemix Efating Njoddemix rating boddemix rEating bNoddemix
Erating Nboddemix 4ating Nooddemix 4Eating Nddemix E4ating Ndodemix dating Nkddemix dEating Nkoddemix Edating Nokddemix
wating N9ddemix wEating N9oddemix Ewating No9ddemix Eaating N0ddemix Eting N0oddemix Etaing No0ddemix Ezting Nlddemix
Ezating Nloddemix Eazting Nolddemix Eqting Niddemix Eqating Nioddemix Eaqting Noiddemix Esting Nodddemix Nodemix
Easting Noddemix Ewting Noxdemix Noxddemix Eawting Nodxdemix Exting Noedemix Exating Noeddemix Eaxting Nodedemix
Eatting Nofdemix Eaing Nofddemix Eaitng Nodfdemix Eafing Nordemix Eafting Norddemix Eatfing Nodrdemix Ea5ing Nocdemix
Ea5ting Nocddemix Eat5ing Nodcdemix Eahing Nosdemix Eahting Nosddemix Eathing Nodsdemix Eaying Eayting
Eatying Nodedmix Ea6ing Nodxemix Ea6ting Eat6ing Noddxemix Eaging Nodeemix Eagting Eatging Noddeemix
Earing Nodfemix Earting Eatring Noddfemix Eatiing Nodremix

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