The Shades They Color Thee

Be not afraid make your display

Tearing down the fence like there is no enclosure

Strong in the mind never fall back in line

Take in every breath like you are moving in closer

Ooooaaaoh you were born with it

Ooooaaaoh can't he torn with it

I see it, within my eyes

Believe it, FREEDOM

Oohhh, ripen through all, cut like a saw

You're always out in front cause there is no direction

Breathe in the air, give up your cares

Heal yourself from others and all there infection



We all should not bleed, so we can survive

Waiting to be tree

We wait to be alive, we are simply all

Children that are tree, it doesn't matter what

Shades they color thee, Shades they color thee

Shades they color thee, Shades they color thee

Be not afraid, cut like a blade

The color of your skin should not be an opinion

Be strong in your mind, never fall back in line

Stand on your own ground and defend your dominion


I see it, within my eyes

Believe it, FREEDOM


Mirror lyrics:


Believe it, FREEDOM

I see it, within my eyes


Stand on your own ground and defend your dominion

Be strong in your mind, never fall back in line

The color of your skin should not be an opinion

Be not afraid, cut like a blade

Shades they color thee, Shades they color thee

Shades they color thee, Shades they color thee

Children that are tree, it doesn't matter what

We wait to be alive, we are simply all

Waiting to be tree

We all should not bleed, so we can survive



Heal yourself from others and all there infection

Breathe in the air, give up your cares

You're always out in front cause there is no direction

Oohhh, ripen through all, cut like a saw

Believe it, FREEDOM

I see it, within my eyes

Ooooaaaoh can't he torn with it

Ooooaaaoh you were born with it

Take in every breath like you are moving in closer

Strong in the mind never fall back in line

Tearing down the fence like there is no enclosure

Be not afraid make your display

Relevant Tags:
TThe SShades TThey CColor TThee he hades hey olor hee hTe hSades hTey oClor hTee fhe zhades fhey folor fhee fThe zShades fThey fColor fThee
Tfhe Szhades Tfhey Cfolor Tfhee 5he whades 5hey xolor 5hee 5The wShades 5They xColor 5Thee T5he Swhades T5hey Cxolor T5hee hhe dhades hhey volor hhee
hThe dShades hThey vColor hThee Thhe Sdhades Thhey Cvolor Thhee yhe ehades yhey dolor yhee yThe eShades yThey dColor yThee Tyhe Sehades Tyhey Cdolor Tyhee
6he xhades 6hey Coolor 6hee 6The xShades 6They Clor 6Thee T6he Sxhades T6hey Cloor T6hee ghe ahades ghey Cklor ghee gThe aShades gThey Ckolor gThee
Tghe Sahades Tghey Coklor Tghee rhe Shhades rhey C9lor rhee rThe Sades rThey C9olor rThee Trhe Sahdes Trhey Co9lor Trhee Sjades C0lor
Te Sjhades Tey C0olor Tee Teh Shjades Tehy Co0lor Tehe Tje Suades Tjey Cllor Tjee Tjhe Suhades Tjhey Clolor Tjhee Thje Shuades Thjey Collor Thjee
Tue Snades Tuey Cilor Tuee Tuhe Snhades Tuhey Ciolor Tuhee Thue Shnades Thuey Coilor Thuee Tne Sbades Tney Tnee Tnhe Sbhades Tnhey Coor Tnhee
Thne Shbades Thney Coolr Thnee Tbe Sgades Tbey Cokor Tbee Tbhe Sghades Tbhey Tbhee Thbe Shgades Thbey Colkor Thbee Tge Syades Tgey Cooor Tgee
Syhades Thge Shyades Thgey Coloor Thgee Tye Shaades Tyey Copor Tyee Shdes Coplor Thye Shdaes Thyey Colpor Thyee
Thee Shzdes Theey Theee Th Shzades Thy Colr The The Shazdes Thye Colro Thee Ths Shqdes Thsy Colkr Thse Thse Shqades Thsey Thsee
Thes Shaqdes Thesy Colokr These Th3 Shsdes Th3y Col9r Th3e Th3e Shsades Th3ey Col9or Th3ee The3 Shasdes The3y Colo9r The3e Thf Shwdes Thfy Col0r Thfe
Thfe Shwades Thfey Col0or Thfee Thef Shawdes Thefy Colo0r Thefe Thr Shxdes Thry Collr Thre

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