Zeigeist, The
Black Milk

Your eyes gave me a look
Of dull despair
Tied up with him and yet
You're not aware
That I can change your life
If you dare
Come join this group of men
Stay and share

We are the prophets of sorrow
We always pray for the night
We build no life for tomorrow
And never talk of the light
We are the prophets of sorrow

Black milk cries out for you
And show my chest
You tremble as I try
To touch your breast
Break free and scream out loud
Not the best
So stupid, small and dumb
As the rest

We are the prophets of sorrow
We always pray for the night
We build no life for tomorrow
And never talk of the light
We are the prophets of sorrow

Mirror lyrics:

We are the prophets of sorrow
And never talk of the light
We build no life for tomorrow
We always pray for the night
We are the prophets of sorrow

As the rest
So stupid, small and dumb
Not the best
Break free and scream out loud
To touch your breast
You tremble as I try
And show my chest
Black milk cries out for you

We are the prophets of sorrow
And never talk of the light
We build no life for tomorrow
We always pray for the night
We are the prophets of sorrow

Stay and share
Come join this group of men
If you dare
That I can change your life
You're not aware
Tied up with him and yet
Of dull despair
Your eyes gave me a look

Relevant Tags:
BBlack MMilk lack ilk lBack iMlk vlack jilk vBlack jMilk Bvlack Mjilk glack kilk gBlack kMilk Bglack Mkilk nlack nilk nBlack nMilk
Bnlack Mnilk hlack Miilk hBlack Mlk Bhlack Mlik Bllack Mjlk Back Balck Mijlk Bkack M9lk Bklack M9ilk Blkack Mi9lk Boack Mllk
Bolack Mlilk Bloack Millk Bpack Molk Bplack Moilk Blpack Miolk Blaack Mklk Blck Blcak Miklk Blzck M8lk Blzack M8ilk Blazck Mi8lk
Blqck Mulk Blqack Muilk Blaqck Miulk Blsck Blsack Mik Blasck Mikl

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