Tina Arena
You Made Me Find Myself

Bet you thought my world was over
Bet you thought I'd crash and burn
You thought I'd never
Pick myself up off the floor
But baby you were wrong
Just like before
I used to breathe you
I used to need you
I used to hang on every word that you say
It used to please you
To try to make me someone else
And I thank you from
My heart for your help
'Cause you made me find myself
I used to think if I surrendered
I'd be the perfect one for you
But I swear I can't remember, no, no
A single day of happiness with you
I used to breathe you
I used to need you
I used to hang on every word that you say
It used to please you
To try to make me someone else
And I thank you from
My heart for your help
'Cause you made me find myself
No I'm not going back in time
And there's a price for being strong
But I can live with who I am
'Cause I used to breathe you
I used to need you, baby
I used to hang on every word that you say
It used to please you
To try to make me someone else
And I thank you from
My heart for your help
'Cause you made me find myself
You made me find my dreams
You made me find my love
You made me find myself
Thank you
Thank you

Mirror lyrics:

Thank you
Thank you
You made me find myself
You made me find my love
You made me find my dreams
'Cause you made me find myself
My heart for your help
And I thank you from
To try to make me someone else
It used to please you
I used to hang on every word that you say
I used to need you, baby
'Cause I used to breathe you
But I can live with who I am
And there's a price for being strong
No I'm not going back in time
'Cause you made me find myself
My heart for your help
And I thank you from
To try to make me someone else
It used to please you
I used to hang on every word that you say
I used to need you
I used to breathe you
A single day of happiness with you
But I swear I can't remember, no, no
I'd be the perfect one for you
I used to think if I surrendered
'Cause you made me find myself
My heart for your help
And I thank you from
To try to make me someone else
It used to please you
I used to hang on every word that you say
I used to need you
I used to breathe you
Just like before
But baby you were wrong
Pick myself up off the floor
You thought I'd never
Bet you thought I'd crash and burn
Bet you thought my world was over

Relevant Tags:
YYou MMade MMe FFind MMyself ou ade e ind yself oYu aMde eM iFnd yMself gou jade je cind jyself gYou jMade jMe cFind jMyself Ygou Mjade Mje Fcind Mjyself
hou kade ke rind kyself hYou kMade kMe rFind kMyself Yhou Mkade Mke Frind Mkyself 6ou nade ne gind nyself 6You nMade nMe gFind nMyself Y6ou Mnade Mne Fgind Mnyself
uou Maade Mee tind Myyself uYou Mde M tFind Mself Yuou Mdae Me Ftind Msyelf 7ou Mzde Ms vind Mgself 7You Mzade Mse vFind Mgyself Y7ou Mazde Mes Fvind Mygself
jou Mqde M3 dind Mhself jYou Mqade M3e dFind Mhyself Yjou Maqde Me3 Fdind Myhself tou Msde Mf Fiind M6self tYou Msade Mfe Fnd M6yself Ytou Masde Mef Fnid My6self
Yoou Mwde Mr Fjnd Muself Yu Mwade Mre Fjind Muyself Yuo Mawde Mer Fijnd Myuself Yku Mxde M4 F9nd M7self Ykou Mxade M4e F9ind M7yself Yoku Maxde Me4 Fi9nd My7self
Y9u Madde Md Flnd Mjself Y9ou Mae Mde Flind Yo9u Maed Med Filnd Myjself Y0u Maxe Mw Fond Mtself Y0ou Mwe Foind Mtyself Yo0u Madxe Mew Fiond Mytself
Ylu Maee Fknd Mysself Ylou Maede Fkind Myelf Yolu Madee Fiknd Myeslf Yiu Mafe F8nd Myzelf Yiou Mafde F8ind Myzself Yoiu Madfe Fi8nd Myszelf
Youu Mare Fund Mywelf Yo Marde Fuind Mywself You Madre Fiund Myswelf Yoh Mace Finnd Mydelf Yohu Macde Fid Mydself Youh Madce Fidn Mysdelf
Yo7 Mase Fimd Myeelf Yo7u Fimnd Myeself You7 Madse Finmd Myseelf Yok Fihd Myxelf Mad Fihnd Myxself Youk Made Finhd Mysxelf
Yoi Mads Fijd Myaelf

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