Tina Arena
Images Of Love

One step forward
Two steps back
Everytime I meet someone new
I draw another blank
Circular motion
It always ends up the same
A voice in my head
Keeps on calling your name
Calling your name

Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Will haunt me forever

A flick of the wrist
Another roll of the dice
One more chance for romance
But something makes me think twice
No physical intervention
You don't have to be there
'Cause I'm chained to your name
And the love that we shared
All the love that we shared

Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love

After all this time you are still on my mind
I keep feelin' the hurt and livin' the pain
'Cause no power on earth
Can ever put out the flame

Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love

Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Will haunt me forever

Images of love
Images of love
Images of love
Images of love

Mirror lyrics:

Images of love
Images of love
Images of love
Images of love

Will haunt me forever
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love

Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love

Can ever put out the flame
'Cause no power on earth
I keep feelin' the hurt and livin' the pain
After all this time you are still on my mind

Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love

All the love that we shared
And the love that we shared
'Cause I'm chained to your name
You don't have to be there
No physical intervention
But something makes me think twice
One more chance for romance
Another roll of the dice
A flick of the wrist

Will haunt me forever
Images of love
Of when we were together
Images of love
Keep on turnin' my mind around
Images of love
Keep on coming back to haunt me
Images of love

Calling your name
Keeps on calling your name
A voice in my head
It always ends up the same
Circular motion
I draw another blank
Everytime I meet someone new
Two steps back
One step forward

Relevant Tags:
IImages OOf LLove mages f ove mIages fO oLve jmages kf kove jImages kOf kLove Ijmages Okf Lkove 9mages 9f oove 9Images 9Of oLove
I9mages O9f Loove lmages 0f pove lImages 0Of pLove Ilmages O0f Lpove omages lf oImages lOf Lve Iomages Olf Lvoe kmages if Lkve
kImages iOf Ikmages Oif Lokve 8mages Off L9ve 8Images O L9ove I8mages Of Lo9ve umages Oc L0ve uImages Ocf L0ove Iumages Ofc Lo0ve
Immages Or Llve Iages Orf Llove Iamges Ofr Lolve Ijages Og Live Ogf Liove Imjages Ofg Loive Ikages Ot Lovve Otf Loe
Imkages Oft Loev Inages Ov Lobe Inmages Ovf Lobve Imnages Ofv Lovbe Imaages Od Loce Imges Odf Locve Imgaes Ofd Lovce Imzges Loge
Imzages Logve Imazges Lovge Imqges Lofe Imqages Lofve Imaqges Lovfe Imsges Lovee Imsages Lov Imasges Love
Imwges Lovs Imwages Lovse Imawges Loves Imxges Lov3 Imxages Lov3e Imaxges Love3 Imagges Lovf Imaes
Imaegs Lovef

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