Tina Arena
For The Sake Of Talking

Wheels within wheels
You think you're such a big shot
Manipulate, whoever you can
Just as long as you get what you want
You promise the world
"Stick with me: and I'll make you a star
'Cause I know the game
I've got it all planned
Without me you won't get very far

You talk but you don't say anything
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You just talk for the sake of talking

Knowin' all the right people
You've got an 'in' with everyone
But I've heard from your so called friends
And they're all sayin' your face is run
Never admit to being wrong
Keep losing in your quest for fame
Look for the ladder in someone else's song
Then at the top you shout your own name

You talk but you don't say anything
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You just talk for the sake of talking

You talk but you don't say anything
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You just talk for the sake of talking

You talk as if you've been everywhere before
You act as if you know so much more
You never talk to, but you always talk down
You wanna soar like an eagle
But you're stuck on the ground

You talk but you don't say anything
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You just talk for the sake of talking

You talk but you don't say anything

Mirror lyrics:

You talk but you don't say anything

You just talk for the sake of talking
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You talk but you don't say anything

But you're stuck on the ground
You wanna soar like an eagle
You never talk to, but you always talk down
You act as if you know so much more
You talk as if you've been everywhere before

You just talk for the sake of talking
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You talk but you don't say anything

You just talk for the sake of talking
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You talk but you don't say anything

Then at the top you shout your own name
Look for the ladder in someone else's song
Keep losing in your quest for fame
Never admit to being wrong
And they're all sayin' your face is run
But I've heard from your so called friends
You've got an 'in' with everyone
Knowin' all the right people

You just talk for the sake of talking
You talk and your words don't mean a thing
You talk but you don't say anything

Without me you won't get very far
I've got it all planned
'Cause I know the game
"Stick with me: and I'll make you a star
You promise the world
Just as long as you get what you want
Manipulate, whoever you can
You think you're such a big shot
Wheels within wheels

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe SSake OOf TTalking or he ake f alking oFr hTe aSke fO aTlking cor fhe zake kf falking cFor fThe zSake kOf fTalking Fcor Tfhe Szake Okf Tfalking
ror 5he wake 9f 5alking rFor 5The wSake 9Of 5Talking Fror T5he Swake O9f T5alking gor hhe dake 0f halking gFor hThe dSake 0Of hTalking Fgor Thhe Sdake O0f Thalking
tor yhe eake lf yalking tFor yThe eSake lOf yTalking Ftor Tyhe Seake Olf Tyalking vor 6he xake if 6alking vFor 6The xSake iOf 6Talking Fvor T6he Sxake Oif T6alking
dor ghe aake Off galking dFor gThe aSake O gTalking Fdor Tghe Saake Of Tgalking Foor rhe Oc ralking Fr rThe Ske Ocf rTalking Fro Trhe Skae Ofc Tralking
Fkr Szke Or Taalking Fkor Te Orf Tlking Fokr Teh Sazke Ofr Tlaking F9r Tje Sqke Og Tzlking F9or Tjhe Sqake Ogf Tzalking Fo9r Thje Saqke Ofg Tazlking
F0r Tue Sske Ot Tqlking F0or Tuhe Ssake Otf Tqalking Fo0r Thue Saske Oft Taqlking Flr Tne Swke Ov Tslking Flor Tnhe Ovf Tsalking Folr Thne Sawke Ofv Taslking
Fir Tbe Sxke Od Twlking Fior Tbhe Odf Twalking Foir Thbe Saxke Ofd Tawlking Forr Tge Sakke Txlking Fo Sae Txalking For Thge Saek Taxlking
Fod Tye Sale Tallking Fodr Salke Taking Ford Thye Sakle Takling Fo4 Thee Saoe Takking Fo4r Th Saoke Taklking For4 The Sakoe Talkking
Fog Ths Same Taoking Fogr Thse Samke Taolking Forg Thes Sakme Taloking Fot Th3 Saje Tapking Fotr Th3e Sajke Taplking Fort The3 Sakje Talpking
Fo5 Thf Saie Fo5r Thfe Saike Taling For5 Thef Sakie Talikng Fof Thr Sakee Talling Fofr Thre Sak Forf Ther Sake Talkling
Foe Th4 Saks Taloing

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