Timo Rãƒâ¤isãƒâ¤nen
Let's Kill Ourselves A Son

It´s time to react .to wipe away the dust from the storyboard .
Start it up again!. it's time we gave a little more than we reward .
Ohoh yeah .

It starts in their heads.
The heart and the soul will play their role and follow through .
And is it really that hard (really that hard) or are they kidding us around?

When they say come on,let's kill ourselves a son!
Let´s stand up and show the world we're number one!
Yeah come on guys let's kill ourselves a son!
Let's set out to rule the world while we're still.
We are number one.
Ohoh yeah.

Conscience out the door,
Love has ceased to be the way to cause relations.
So it's up to me and you (me and you) to send love back.

When they say come on,let's kill ourselves a son! (Kill ourselves a son)
Let´s stand up and show the world we're number one! (One one one)
Yeah come on guys let's kill ourselves a son! (Kill ourselves a son)
Let's set out to rule the world while we are number one!
(Kill ourselves a son) Yeah.
Oh we are number one! (Kill ourselves a son) Yeah.
Oh we're still, we are number one.

Mirror lyrics:

Oh we're still, we are number one.
Oh we are number one! (Kill ourselves a son) Yeah.
(Kill ourselves a son) Yeah.
Let's set out to rule the world while we are number one!
Yeah come on guys let's kill ourselves a son! (Kill ourselves a son)
Let´s stand up and show the world we're number one! (One one one)
When they say come on,let's kill ourselves a son! (Kill ourselves a son)

So it's up to me and you (me and you) to send love back.
Love has ceased to be the way to cause relations.
Conscience out the door,

Ohoh yeah.
We are number one.
Let's set out to rule the world while we're still.
Yeah come on guys let's kill ourselves a son!
Let´s stand up and show the world we're number one!
When they say come on,let's kill ourselves a son!

And is it really that hard (really that hard) or are they kidding us around?
The heart and the soul will play their role and follow through .
It starts in their heads.

Ohoh yeah .
Start it up again!. it's time we gave a little more than we reward .
It´s time to react .to wipe away the dust from the storyboard .

Relevant Tags:
LLet's KKill OOurselves AA SSon et's ill urselves on eLt's iKll uOrselves A oSn ket's lill kurselves z zon kLet's lKill kOurselves zA zSon
Lket's Klill Okurselves Az Szon oet's oill 9urselves q won oLet's oKill 9Ourselves qA wSon Loet's Koill O9urselves Aq Swon pet's mill 0urselves s don
pLet's mKill 0Ourselves sA dSon Lpet's Kmill O0urselves As Sdon Leet's jill lurselves w eon Lt's jKill lOurselves wA eSon Lte's Kjill Olurselves Aw Seon
Lst's iill iurselves x xon Lset's iKill iOurselves xA xSon Lest's Kiill Oiurselves Ax Sxon L3t's Ouurselves aon L3et's Kll Orselves aSon
Le3t's Klil Oruselves Saon Lft's Kjll Ohrselves Soon Lfet's Ohurselves Sn Left's Kijll Ouhrselves Sno Lrt's K9ll O7rselves Skn
Lret's K9ill O7urselves Skon Lert's Ki9ll Ou7rselves Sokn L4t's Klll Okrselves S9n L4et's S9on Le4t's Killl Oukrselves So9n
Ldt's Koll Oirselves S0n Ldet's S0on Ledt's Kioll Ouirselves So0n Lwt's Kkll O8rselves Sln Lwet's Kkill O8urselves Slon
Lewt's Kikll Ou8rselves Soln Lett's K8ll Ojrselves Sin Le's K8ill Ojurselves Sion Le'ts Ki8ll Oujrselves Soin Lef's Kull Oyrselves Sonn
Kuill Oyurselves So Letf's Kiull Ouyrselves Son Le5's Ourrselves Som Le5t's Kil Ouselves Somn Let5's Kill Ousrelves Sonm
Leh's Kikl Oudselves Soh Leht's Oudrselves Sohn Leth's Kilkl Ourdselves Sonh Ley's Kiol Ou4selves Soj Leyt's Ou4rselves Sojn
Lety's Kilol Our4selves Sonj Le6's Kipl Ougselves Sob Le6t's Kipll Ougrselves Sobn Let6's Kilpl Ourgselves Sonb Leg's Outselves
Legt's Outrselves Letg's Ourtselves Ler's Kilk Ou5selves Ou5rselves Letr's Killk Our5selves
Let''s Kilo Oufselves Lets Oufrselves Lets' Killo Ourfselves Let'ss Kilp Oueselves Let' Ouerselves
Let's Killp Oureselves Let'z Oursselves Let'zs Ourelves Let'sz Oureslves Let'w Ourzelves
Let'ws Ourzselves Let'sw Ourszelves Let'd Ourwelves Let'ds Ourwselves Let'sd Ourswelves
Let'e Ourdelves Let'es Let'se Oursdelves Let'x Oureelves Let'xs
Let'sx Ourseelves Let'a Ourxelves Let'as Ourxselves Let'sa Oursxelves Ouraelves

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