Timo Rã¤isã¤nen
Dirty Work (steely Dan Cover)

Life is hard
You're afraid to pay the fee
So you find yourself somebody who can do the job for free
When you need a bit of loving, 'cause your man is out of town
That's the time you get me running, and you know I'll be around

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

So light a candle
Put the lock upon the door
You have sent the maid home early, like a thousand times before
Like a castle in his corner, in a mid-evil game
I forsee terrible trouble, but I stay here just the same

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more

Mirror lyrics:

I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

I forsee terrible trouble, but I stay here just the same
Like a castle in his corner, in a mid-evil game
You have sent the maid home early, like a thousand times before
Put the lock upon the door
So light a candle

I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more
I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah

That's the time you get me running, and you know I'll be around
When you need a bit of loving, 'cause your man is out of town
So you find yourself somebody who can do the job for free
You're afraid to pay the fee
Life is hard

Relevant Tags:
DDirty WWork ((steely DDan CCover) irty ork steely an over) iDrty oWrk s(teely aDn oCver) xirty aork (ssteely xan fover) xDirty aWork (teely xDan fCover)
Dxirty Waork (tseely Dxan Cfover) eirty 3ork (zteely ean xover) eDirty 3Work (zsteely eDan xCover) Deirty W3ork (szteely Dean Cxover) firty dork (wteely fan vover)
fDirty dWork (wsteely fDan vCover) Dfirty Wdork (swteely Dfan Cvover) rirty eork (dteely ran dover) rDirty eWork (dsteely rDan dCover) Drirty Weork (sdteely Dran Cdover)
cirty sork (eteely can Coover) cDirty sWork (esteely cDan Cver) Dcirty Wsork (seteely Dcan Cvoer) sirty 2ork (xteely san Ckver) sDirty 2Work (xsteely sDan Ckover)
Dsirty W2ork (sxteely Dsan Cokver) Diirty qork (ateely Daan C9ver) Drty qWork (asteely Dn C9over) Drity Wqork (sateely Dna Co9ver) Djrty Woork (stteely Dzn C0ver)
Djirty Wrk (seely Dzan C0over) Dijrty Wrok (setely Dazn Co0ver) D9rty Wkrk (sfeely Dqn Clver) D9irty Wkork (sfteely Dqan Clover) Di9rty Wokrk (stfeely Daqn Colver)
Dlrty W9rk (s5eely Dsn Civer) Dlirty W9ork (s5teely Ciover) Dilrty Wo9rk (st5eely Dasn Coiver) Dorty W0rk (sheely Dwn Covver) Doirty W0ork (shteely Dwan Coer)
Diorty Wo0rk (stheely Dawn Coevr) Dkrty Wlrk (syeely Dxn Cober) Dkirty Wlork (syteely Cobver) Dikrty Wolrk (styeely Daxn Covber) D8rty Wirk (s6eely Dann Cocer)
D8irty Wiork (s6teely Da Cocver) Di8rty Woirk (st6eely Dan Covcer) Durty Worrk (sgeely Dam Coger) Duirty Wok (sgteely Damn Cogver) Diurty Wokr (stgeely Danm Covger)
Dirrty Wodk (sreely Dah Cofer) Dity Wodrk (srteely Dahn Cofver) Ditry Wordk (streely Danh Covfer) Didty Wo4k (steeely Daj Coveer) Didrty Wo4rk (stely Dajn Covr)
Dirdty Wor4k (steely Danj Covre) Di4ty Wogk (stsely Dab Covsr) Di4rty Wogrk (stseely Dabn Covser) Dir4ty Worgk (stesely Danb Covesr) Digty Wotk (st3ely Cov3r)
Digrty Wotrk (st3eely Cov3er) Dirgty Wortk (ste3ely Cove3r) Ditty Wo5k (stfely Covfr) Ditrty Wo5rk Dirtty Wor5k (stefely Covefr)

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