Miss Saigon
I'd Give My Life For You

You who I cradled in my arms.
Asking as little as you can.
Little snip of a little man,
I know I'd give my life for you.

You didn't ask me to be born
Why should you learn of war or pain?
To be sure you're not hurt again,
I swear I'd give my life for you.

I've tasted love beyond all fear.
And you should know it's love that brought you here.
And in one perfect night,
When the stars burned like new,
I knew what I must do.
I'll give you a million things I'll never own.
I'll give you a world to conquer when you're grown.

You will be who you want to be.
Can choose whatever heaven grants.
As long as you can have your chance,
I swear i'll give my life for you.

Sometimes I wake up, reaching for him.
I feel his shadow brush my head,
But there's just moonlight on my bed.
Was he a ghost?
Was he a lie,
That made my body laugh and cry?
Then by my side the proof I see, his little one.
Gods of the sun,
Bring him to me.

You will be who you want to be.
Can choose whatever heaven grants.
As long as you can have your chance,
I swear i'll give my life for you.

No one can stop what I must do.
I swear i'll give my life for you.

Mirror lyrics:

I swear i'll give my life for you.
No one can stop what I must do.

I swear i'll give my life for you.
As long as you can have your chance,
Can choose whatever heaven grants.
You will be who you want to be.

Bring him to me.
Gods of the sun,
Then by my side the proof I see, his little one.
That made my body laugh and cry?
Was he a lie,
Was he a ghost?
But there's just moonlight on my bed.
I feel his shadow brush my head,
Sometimes I wake up, reaching for him.

I swear i'll give my life for you.
As long as you can have your chance,
Can choose whatever heaven grants.
You will be who you want to be.

I'll give you a world to conquer when you're grown.
I'll give you a million things I'll never own.
I knew what I must do.
When the stars burned like new,
And in one perfect night,
And you should know it's love that brought you here.
I've tasted love beyond all fear.

I swear I'd give my life for you.
To be sure you're not hurt again,
Why should you learn of war or pain?
You didn't ask me to be born

I know I'd give my life for you.
Little snip of a little man,
Asking as little as you can.
You who I cradled in my arms.

Relevant Tags:
II'd GGive MMy LLife FFor YYou 'd ive y ife or ou 'Id iGve yM iLfe oFr oYu j'd hive jy kife cor gou jI'd hGive jMy kLife cFor gYou Ij'd Ghive Mjy Lkife Fcor Ygou
9'd yive ky oife ror hou 9I'd yGive kMy oLife rFor hYou I9'd Gyive Mky Loife Fror Yhou l'd bive ny pife gor 6ou lI'd bGive nMy pLife gFor 6You Il'd Gbive Mny Lpife Fgor Y6ou
o'd vive Myy Liife tor uou oI'd vGive M Lfe tFor uYou Io'd Gvive My Lfie Ftor Yuou k'd five Mg Ljfe vor 7ou kI'd fGive Mgy Ljife vFor 7You Ik'd Gfive Myg Lijfe Fvor Y7ou
8'd tive Mh L9fe dor jou 8I'd tGive Mhy L9ife dFor jYou I8'd Gtive Myh Li9fe Fdor Yjou u'd Giive M6 Llfe Foor tou uI'd Gve M6y Llife Fr tYou Iu'd Gvie My6 Lilfe Fro Ytou
I''d Gjve Mu Lofe Fkr Yoou Id Gjive Muy Fkor Yu Id' Gijve Myu Liofe Fokr Yuo I'dd G9ve M7 Lkfe F9r Yku I' G9ive M7y F9or Ykou I'd Gi9ve My7 Likfe Fo9r Yoku
I'x Glve Mj L8fe F0r Y9u I'xd Glive L8ife F0or Y9ou I'dx Gilve Myj Li8fe Fo0r Yo9u I'e Gove Mt Lufe Flr Y0u I'ed Goive Mty Luife Flor Y0ou I'de Giove Myt Liufe Folr Yo0u
I'f Gkve Liffe Fir Ylu I'fd Gkive Lie Fior Ylou I'df Gikve Lief Foir Yolu I'r G8ve Lice Forr Yiu I'rd G8ive Licfe Fo Yiou I'dr Gi8ve Lifce For Yoiu

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