Miss Li
Tuck You In

I've been waiting for you so long
and I feel so alone
it's been days since you whispered in my ears
that I belong in your arms

everyday I am in the park
where we used to walk
kissing me, holding me close to your heart
I long so bad to be back in your arms

all I wanna do is tuck you in
feel your skin
breathe you in
all I wanna do is tuck you in

Mirror lyrics:

all I wanna do is tuck you in
breathe you in
feel your skin
all I wanna do is tuck you in

I long so bad to be back in your arms
kissing me, holding me close to your heart
where we used to walk
everyday I am in the park

that I belong in your arms
it's been days since you whispered in my ears
and I feel so alone
I've been waiting for you so long

Relevant Tags:
TTuck YYou IIn uck ou n uTck oYu nI fuck gou jn fTuck gYou jIn Tfuck Ygou Ijn 5uck hou 9n 5Tuck hYou 9In T5uck Yhou I9n huck 6ou ln
hTuck 6You lIn Thuck Y6ou Iln yuck uou on yTuck uYou oIn Tyuck Yuou Ion 6uck 7ou kn 6Tuck 7You kIn T6uck Y7ou Ikn guck jou 8n gTuck jYou 8In
Tguck Yjou I8n ruck tou un rTuck tYou uIn Truck Ytou Iun Tuuck Yoou Inn Tck Yu I Tcuk Yuo In Thck Yku Im Ykou Imn Tuhck Yoku Inm
T7ck Y9u Ih T7uck Y9ou Ihn Tu7ck Yo9u Inh Tkck Y0u Ij Tkuck Y0ou Tukck Yo0u Inj Tick Ylu Ib Tiuck Ylou Ibn Tuick Yolu Inb T8ck Yiu

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