Mississippi John Hurt
Nobody Cares For Me

Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
It was a bright moon lighted night, the moon shining bright,
when you and I made love
Your love wasn't true, I'll say onto you,
I moaned like a turtle dove
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
I'm coming home, no more to roam,
darling I'm coming home
I'm coming home, no more to roam,
darling I'm coming home
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
It was a bright moon lighted night, the moon shining bright,
when you and I made love
Your love wasn't true, I'll say onto you,
I moaned like a turtle dove

Mirror lyrics:

I moaned like a turtle dove
Your love wasn't true, I'll say onto you,
when you and I made love
It was a bright moon lighted night, the moon shining bright,
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
darling I'm coming home
I'm coming home, no more to roam,
darling I'm coming home
I'm coming home, no more to roam,
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
I moaned like a turtle dove
Your love wasn't true, I'll say onto you,
when you and I made love
It was a bright moon lighted night, the moon shining bright,
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die
Nobody cares for me
Lonesome is I, wished I could die

Relevant Tags:
NNobody CCares FFor MMe obody ares or e oNbody aCres oFr eM mobody fares cor je mNobody fCares cFor jMe Nmobody Cfares Fcor Mje
hobody xares ror ke hNobody xCares rFor kMe Nhobody Cxares Fror Mke jobody vares gor ne jNobody vCares gFor nMe Njobody Cvares Fgor Mne
bobody dares tor Mee bNobody dCares tFor M Nbobody Cdares Ftor Me Noobody Caares vor Ms Nbody Cres vFor Mse Nboody Craes Fvor Mes
Nkbody Czres dor M3 Nkobody Czares dFor M3e Nokbody Cazres Fdor Me3 N9body Cqres Foor Mf N9obody Cqares Fr Mfe No9body Caqres Fro Mef
N0body Csres Fkr Mr N0obody Csares Fkor Mre No0body Casres Fokr Mer Nlbody Cwres F9r M4 Nlobody Cwares F9or M4e Nolbody Cawres Fo9r Me4
Nibody Cxres F0r Md Niobody F0or Mde Noibody Caxres Fo0r Med Nobbody Carres Flr Mw Noody Caes Flor Mwe Noobdy Caers Folr Mew
Novody Cades Fir Novbody Cadres Fior Nobvody Cardes Foir Nogody Ca4es Forr Nogbody Ca4res Fo Nobgody Car4es For
Nonody Cages Fod Nonbody Cagres Fodr Nobnody Carges Ford Nohody Cates Fo4 Nohbody Catres Fo4r Nobhody Cartes For4
Noboody Ca5es Fog Nobdy Ca5res Fogr Nobdoy Car5es Forg Nobkdy Cafes Fot Nobkody Cafres Fotr Nobokdy Carfes Fort
Nob9dy Caees Fo5 Nob9ody Caeres Fo5r

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