Mission Uk
Shades Of Green (part 2)

I'm lying in the dark listening to the rain

Reminds of you and makes me me sad all over again

Your measured swoons and sighs

Your hand me down whispered alibis

And it's easy to forgive but it's so hard, so hard to forget

And it's easy to see how deceit, deceit becomes regret

I can see now we're apart

How your mind played tricks on my heart

I never knew that you were untrue

There's so many shades of green

And I never believed that you would ever deceive

There's so many shades of green, so many shades of green

So sleep with your snakes and enjoy their viper's kiss

I want you know there's nothing about that I miss

I don't wish you any pain

But I don't ever want to see you again

So just shut your mouth

I've heard it all before

Shut it, just shut it

I don't wanna hear any more

I never knew that you were untrue

There's so many shades of green

And I never believed that you would ever deceive

There's so many shades of green

And you never knew that I was also untrue

There's so many shades of green

And you never believed that I could ever deceive

There's so many shades

So many shades of green

Mirror lyrics:

So many shades of green

There's so many shades

And you never believed that I could ever deceive

There's so many shades of green

And you never knew that I was also untrue

There's so many shades of green

And I never believed that you would ever deceive

There's so many shades of green

I never knew that you were untrue

I don't wanna hear any more

Shut it, just shut it

I've heard it all before

So just shut your mouth

But I don't ever want to see you again

I don't wish you any pain

I want you know there's nothing about that I miss

So sleep with your snakes and enjoy their viper's kiss

There's so many shades of green, so many shades of green

And I never believed that you would ever deceive

There's so many shades of green

I never knew that you were untrue

How your mind played tricks on my heart

I can see now we're apart

And it's easy to see how deceit, deceit becomes regret

And it's easy to forgive but it's so hard, so hard to forget

Your hand me down whispered alibis

Your measured swoons and sighs

Reminds of you and makes me me sad all over again

I'm lying in the dark listening to the rain

Relevant Tags:
SShades OOf GGreen ((part 22) hades f reen part ) hSades fO rGeen p(art )2 zhades kf hreen (ppart 3) zShades kOf hGreen (art 32) Szhades Okf Ghreen (aprt 23)
whades 9f yreen (0art q) wShades 9Of yGreen (0part q2) Swhades O9f Gyreen (p0art 2q) dhades 0f breen (lart w) dShades 0Of bGreen (lpart w2) Sdhades O0f Gbreen (plart 2w)
ehades lf vreen (oart 1) eShades lOf vGreen (opart 12) Sehades Olf Gvreen (poart 21) xhades if freen (paart 2)) xShades iOf fGreen (prt 2 Sxhades Oif Gfreen (prat 2)
ahades Off treen (pzrt aShades O tGreen (pzart Sahades Of Gtreen (pazrt Shhades Oc Grreen (pqrt Sades Ocf Geen (pqart Sahdes Ofc Geren (paqrt
Sjades Or Gdeen (psrt Sjhades Orf Gdreen (psart Shjades Ofr Grdeen (pasrt Suades Og G4een (pwrt Suhades Ogf G4reen (pwart Shuades Ofg Gr4een (pawrt
Snades Ot Ggeen (pxrt Snhades Otf Ggreen (pxart Shnades Oft Grgeen (paxrt Sbades Ov Gteen (parrt Sbhades Ovf (pat Shbades Ofv Grteen (patr
Sgades Od G5een (padt Sghades Odf G5reen (padrt Shgades Ofd Gr5een (pardt Syades Gfeen (pa4t Syhades (pa4rt Shyades Grfeen (par4t
Shaades Geeen (pagt Shdes Gereen (pagrt Shdaes Greeen (pargt Shzdes (patt Shzades Gren (patrt Shazdes Green (partt
Shqdes Grsen (pa5t Shqades Grseen (pa5rt Shaqdes Gresen (par5t Shsdes Gr3en (paft Shsades Gr3een (pafrt Shasdes Gre3en (parft
Shwdes Grfen (paet Shwades (paert Shawdes Grefen (paret Shxdes Grren

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