Missing Persons
Flash Of Love

I feel I was lost, never meant to be found,
floating in a rainbow of emotion
Just then an accidental twist of fate,
had let me know that it was not too late
And from out of the blue you came into my life,
as if I were the only one alive
I have to tell you what you've done for me although I'm inside out,
it's just so hard to believe

Quick turn around, I stepped into another room,
I'm lost but found, with you I'm in another world
In a flash of love you've changed my everything,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, I found something to believe in

When I was alone, I'd be turning the pages,
it seemed like the story would never end
Time would come when I could use a change,
I'd seen it all, and it all looked the same
I didn't know what to do when I ran into you,
looking like a picture of perfection
I've always thought that you'd be hard to find,
but looking in your eyes I found no time for surprise

Quick turn around, I stepped into another world,
I'm lost but found, with you I'm in another world
In a flash of love you've changed my everything,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, I found something to believe in

Sometimes it can happen so fast,
quick turn and you step into another room
Blindsight, breaking out of the past,
lightning strikes and you know this time it's gonna last
In a flash of love you changed my everything,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, I found something to believe in
In a flash of love...

Mirror lyrics:

In a flash of love...
in a flash of love, I found something to believe in
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
In a flash of love you changed my everything,
lightning strikes and you know this time it's gonna last
Blindsight, breaking out of the past,
quick turn and you step into another room
Sometimes it can happen so fast,

in a flash of love, I found something to believe in
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
In a flash of love you've changed my everything,
I'm lost but found, with you I'm in another world
Quick turn around, I stepped into another world,

but looking in your eyes I found no time for surprise
I've always thought that you'd be hard to find,
looking like a picture of perfection
I didn't know what to do when I ran into you,
I'd seen it all, and it all looked the same
Time would come when I could use a change,
it seemed like the story would never end
When I was alone, I'd be turning the pages,

in a flash of love, I found something to believe in
You turned my world around in a flash of love,
in a flash of love, you've given me a reason
In a flash of love you've changed my everything,
I'm lost but found, with you I'm in another world
Quick turn around, I stepped into another room,

it's just so hard to believe
I have to tell you what you've done for me although I'm inside out,
as if I were the only one alive
And from out of the blue you came into my life,
had let me know that it was not too late
Just then an accidental twist of fate,
floating in a rainbow of emotion
I feel I was lost, never meant to be found,

Relevant Tags:
FFlash OOf LLove lash f ove lFash fO oLve clash kf kove cFlash kOf kLove Fclash Okf Lkove rlash 9f oove rFlash 9Of oLove Frlash O9f Loove
glash 0f pove gFlash 0Of pLove Fglash O0f Lpove tlash lf tFlash lOf Lve Ftlash Olf Lvoe vlash if Lkve vFlash iOf Fvlash Oif Lokve
dlash Off L9ve dFlash O L9ove Fdlash Of Lo9ve Fllash Oc L0ve Fash Ocf L0ove Falsh Ofc Lo0ve Fkash Or Llve Fklash Orf Llove Flkash Ofr Lolve
Foash Og Live Folash Ogf Liove Floash Ofg Loive Fpash Ot Lovve Fplash Otf Loe Flpash Oft Loev Flaash Ov Lobe Flsh Ovf Lobve Flsah Ofv Lovbe
Flzsh Od Loce Flzash Odf Locve Flazsh Ofd Lovce Flqsh Loge Flqash Logve Flaqsh Lovge Flssh Lofe Flsash Lofve

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