Miley Cyrus
Real Friends

I thought we were friends
I must have been wrong
We were best friends for much to long
I don't wish you were here
I wish you were gone
That you'd go away and move along

I know you said sorry
You know what you did was wrong
But you did it anyway
And you can't take back the damage you've done

I thought I could trust you
But now I have to find someone else to talk to
Get some friends you'll like and trust
Because this one didn't turn out so great

I can't believe you did that to me
You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, you'll see baby

Mirror lyrics:

You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, you'll see baby
I can't believe you did that to me

Because this one didn't turn out so great
Get some friends you'll like and trust
But now I have to find someone else to talk to
I thought I could trust you

And you can't take back the damage you've done
But you did it anyway
You know what you did was wrong
I know you said sorry

That you'd go away and move along
I wish you were gone
I don't wish you were here
We were best friends for much to long
I must have been wrong
I thought we were friends

Relevant Tags:
RReal FFriends eal riends eRal rFiends deal criends dReal cFriends Rdeal Fcriends 4eal rriends 4Real rFriends R4eal Frriends
geal griends gReal gFriends Rgeal Fgriends teal triends tReal tFriends Rteal Ftriends 5eal vriends 5Real vFriends R5eal Fvriends
feal driends fReal dFriends Rfeal Fdriends eeal eReal Fiends Reeal Firends Fdiends Ral Rael Frdiends
Rsal F4iends Rseal F4riends Resal Fr4iends R3al Fgiends R3eal Re3al Frgiends Rfal Ftiends Refal Frtiends Rral F5iends
Rreal F5riends Reral Fr5iends R4al Ffiends Ffriends Re4al Frfiends Rdal Feiends Feriends Redal Freiends Rwal Friiends
Rweal Frends Rewal Freinds Reaal Frjends Rel Frjiends Rela Frijends Rezl Fr9ends Rezal Fr9iends Reazl Fri9ends Reql Frlends
Reqal Frliends Reaql Frilends Resl Froends Froiends Reasl Frioends Rewl Frkends Frkiends Reawl Frikends Rexl Fr8ends
Rexal Fr8iends Reaxl Fri8ends Reall Fruends Rea Fruiends Real Friuends Reak Frieends Reakl Frinds

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