Miley Cyrus
Life Has Its Own Route

Life is like an unpaved road
Its just keeps on spinnin' with its bumps and turns
Ups and downs it's jumpin around!
You go through all hard times
You think you might not get through
Do I take a Right
Or do I take a Left
Life just seems to ramble on no matter the situation
Life has its ups and downs
Sometimes you just need to get away

I know I've had my trouble
Making my desicions
Sometimes they aren't so great
I seeem to make it through these
But times are gettin' harder and harder

You need a lot of parental support
They know the road and the ways of life
and can help you make it through the day

After a while you'll get used to the road
and the way that is going to be
I promise you'll get used to it...
You'll just have to see

Cause Life's Like a road
and it must go on
and it seems like it goes on forever and ever..
But no day you will have to relize just how fast it stops.

Mirror lyrics:

But no day you will have to relize just how fast it stops.
and it seems like it goes on forever and ever..
and it must go on
Cause Life's Like a road

You'll just have to see
I promise you'll get used to it...
and the way that is going to be
After a while you'll get used to the road

and can help you make it through the day
They know the road and the ways of life
You need a lot of parental support

But times are gettin' harder and harder
I seeem to make it through these
Sometimes they aren't so great
Making my desicions
I know I've had my trouble

Sometimes you just need to get away
Life has its ups and downs
Life just seems to ramble on no matter the situation
Or do I take a Left
Do I take a Right
You think you might not get through
You go through all hard times
Ups and downs it's jumpin around!
Its just keeps on spinnin' with its bumps and turns
Life is like an unpaved road

Relevant Tags:
LLife HHas IIts OOwn RRoute ife as ts wn oute iLfe aHs tIs wOn oRute kife jas jts kwn doute kLife jHas jIts kOwn dRoute Lkife Hjas Ijts Okwn Rdoute
oife uas 9ts 9wn 4oute oLife uHas 9Its 9Own 4Route Loife Huas I9ts O9wn R4oute pife nas lts 0wn goute pLife nHas lIts 0Own gRoute Lpife Hnas Ilts O0wn Rgoute
Liife bas ots lwn toute Lfe bHas oIts lOwn tRoute Lfie Hbas Iots Olwn Rtoute Ljfe gas kts iwn 5oute Ljife gHas kIts iOwn 5Route Lijfe Hgas Ikts Oiwn R5oute
L9fe yas 8ts Owwn foute L9ife yHas 8Its On fRoute Li9fe Hyas I8ts Onw Rfoute Llfe Haas uts Oan eoute Llife Hs uIts Oawn eRoute Lilfe Hsa Iuts Owan Reoute
Lofe Hzs Itts O3n Rooute Hzas Is O3wn Rute Liofe Hazs Ist Ow3n Ruote Lkfe Hqs Ifs Odn Rkute Hqas Ifts Odwn Rkoute Likfe Haqs Itfs Owdn Rokute
L8fe Hss I5s Oen R9ute L8ife Hsas I5ts Oewn R9oute Li8fe Hass It5s Owen Ro9ute Lufe Hws Ihs Osn R0ute Luife Hwas Ihts Oswn R0oute Liufe Haws Iths Owsn Ro0ute
Liffe Hxs Iys O2n Rlute Lie Hxas Iyts O2wn Rloute Lief Haxs Itys Ow2n Rolute Lice I6s Oqn Riute Licfe Ha I6ts Oqwn Rioute Lifce Has It6s Owqn Roiute
Lire Haz Igs Ownn Rouute Lirfe Igts Ow Rote Lifre Hasz Itgs Own Rotue Lige Haw Irs Owm Rohte Ligfe Irts Owmn Rohute Lifge Hasw Itrs Ownm Rouhte
Lite Had Itss Owh Ro7te Litfe Hads It Owhn Ro7ute Lifte Hasd Its Ownh Rou7te Live Hae Itz Owj Rokte Livfe Haes Itzs Owjn Lifve Hase Itsz Ownj Roukte

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