Miley Cyrus
Forgiveness And Love

Imagining you're far away
Searching for the words to say
I feel it when you fall apart
Our lives are our greatest art
I don't want to change your mind
'Cause I accept you
For everything you are and will be
Stay here with me now

The only thing that our hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
'Cause in the end
No one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

You don't ever have to read my mind
You can see it when you close your eyes
Don't believe it when you lose your faith
Another moment is a moment away
I can't tell you what the future holds
Or how to live
All I know is
What feels right lights up my life again and again

The only thing that our hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
'Cause in the end
No one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the sun
Let's find forever
Where does the time go
Just live your life
You'll get another today today today
Forgiveness and love
'Cause in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the sun
Let's jump the sun
Let's jump the sun
Forgiveness and love

Mirror lyrics:

Forgiveness and love
Let's jump the sun
Let's jump the sun
Let's jump the sun

With forgiveness and love
The story begins again and again
'Cause in the end no one loses or wins
Forgiveness and love
You'll get another today today today
Just live your life
Where does the time go
Let's find forever
Let's jump the sun

With forgiveness and love
The story begins again and again
No one loses or wins
'Cause in the end
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing that our hearts are made of

What feels right lights up my life again and again
All I know is
Or how to live
I can't tell you what the future holds
Another moment is a moment away
Don't believe it when you lose your faith
You can see it when you close your eyes
You don't ever have to read my mind

With forgiveness and love
The story begins again and again
No one loses or wins
'Cause in the end
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing that our hearts are made of

Stay here with me now
For everything you are and will be
'Cause I accept you
I don't want to change your mind
Our lives are our greatest art
I feel it when you fall apart
Searching for the words to say
Imagining you're far away

Relevant Tags:
FForgiveness AAnd LLove orgiveness nd ove oFrgiveness nAd oLve corgiveness znd kove cForgiveness zAnd kLove Fcorgiveness Aznd Lkove
rorgiveness qnd oove rForgiveness qAnd oLove Frorgiveness Aqnd Loove gorgiveness snd pove gForgiveness sAnd pLove Fgorgiveness Asnd Lpove
torgiveness wnd tForgiveness wAnd Lve Ftorgiveness Awnd Lvoe vorgiveness xnd Lkve vForgiveness xAnd Fvorgiveness Axnd Lokve
dorgiveness Annd L9ve dForgiveness Ad L9ove Fdorgiveness Adn Lo9ve Foorgiveness Amd L0ve Frgiveness Amnd L0ove Frogiveness Anmd Lo0ve
Fkrgiveness Ahd Llve Fkorgiveness Ahnd Llove Fokrgiveness Anhd Lolve F9rgiveness Ajd Live F9orgiveness Ajnd Liove Fo9rgiveness Anjd Loive
F0rgiveness Abd Lovve F0orgiveness Abnd Loe Fo0rgiveness Anbd Loev Flrgiveness Andd Lobe Florgiveness An Lobve Folrgiveness And Lovbe
Firgiveness Anx Loce Fiorgiveness Anxd Locve Foirgiveness Andx Lovce Forrgiveness Ane Loge Fogiveness Aned Logve Fogriveness Ande Lovge
Fodgiveness Anf Lofe Fodrgiveness Anfd Lofve Fordgiveness Andf Lovfe Fo4giveness Anr Lovee Fo4rgiveness Anrd Lov For4giveness Andr Love
Foggiveness Anc Lovs Fogrgiveness Ancd Lovse Forggiveness Andc Loves Fotgiveness Ans Lov3 Fotrgiveness Ansd Lov3e Fortgiveness Ands Love3
Fo5giveness Lovf Fo5rgiveness For5giveness Lovef Fofgiveness Lovr Fofrgiveness Lovre Forfgiveness Lover
Foegiveness Lov4 Foergiveness Lov4e Foregiveness Love4 Lovd Foriveness Lovde Forigveness Loved
Forhiveness Lovw Forhgiveness Lovwe Forghiveness Lovew Foryiveness Forygiveness Forgyiveness
Forbiveness Forbgiveness Forgbiveness Forviveness Forvgiveness Forgviveness
Forfiveness Forgfiveness Fortiveness Forgtiveness Forgiiveness Forgveness
Forgvieness Forgjveness Forgjiveness Forgijveness Forg9veness Forg9iveness
Forgi9veness Forglveness Forgliveness Forgilveness Forgoveness Forgoiveness
Forgioveness Forgkveness Forgkiveness Forgikveness Forg8veness Forg8iveness
Forgi8veness Forguveness

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