Mila Mason
One Thing Led To Another

One grain of sand don't make a desert

A drop in the ocean is too hard to measure

One little lie doesn't mean you're a liar

One puff of smoke doesn't mean there's a fire

So how could a mountain of love disappear?

A little bit there, a little bit here

Oh, one thing led to another

One night at a time, we lost each other

You're workin' late, she called again

A couple of drinks, she's just your friend

What's the harm? Oh, one thing led to another's arms

You'd fall into bed, too tired to hold me

A couple of rumors, some nobody told me

The first time your touch was just not the same

The night you blew up when I said her name

I closed my eyes to the tears on my face

But finally the pieces just fell into place

Oh, one thing led to another

One night at a time, we lost each other

You're workin' late, he called again

A couple of drinks, he's just my friend

What's the harm? Oh, one thing led to another's arms

Oh, one thing led to another's arms

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, one thing led to another's arms

What's the harm? Oh, one thing led to another's arms

A couple of drinks, he's just my friend

You're workin' late, he called again

One night at a time, we lost each other

Oh, one thing led to another

But finally the pieces just fell into place

I closed my eyes to the tears on my face

The night you blew up when I said her name

The first time your touch was just not the same

A couple of rumors, some nobody told me

You'd fall into bed, too tired to hold me

What's the harm? Oh, one thing led to another's arms

A couple of drinks, she's just your friend

You're workin' late, she called again

One night at a time, we lost each other

Oh, one thing led to another

A little bit there, a little bit here

So how could a mountain of love disappear?

One puff of smoke doesn't mean there's a fire

One little lie doesn't mean you're a liar

A drop in the ocean is too hard to measure

One grain of sand don't make a desert

Relevant Tags:
OOne TThing LLed TTo AAnother ne hing ed o nother nOe hTing eLd oT nAother kne fhing ked fo znother kOne fThing kLed fTo zAnother Okne Tfhing Lked Tfo Aznother
9ne 5hing oed 5o qnother 9One 5Thing oLed 5To qAnother O9ne T5hing Loed T5o Aqnother 0ne hhing ped ho snother 0One hThing pLed hTo sAnother O0ne Thhing Lped Tho Asnother
lne yhing Leed yo wnother lOne yThing Ld yTo wAnother Olne Tyhing Lde Tyo Awnother ine 6hing Lsd 6o xnother iOne 6Thing Lsed 6To xAnother Oine T6hing Lesd T6o Axnother
Onne ghing L3d go Annother Oe gThing L3ed gTo Aother Oen Tghing Le3d Tgo Aonther Ome rhing Lfd ro Amother Omne rThing Lfed rTo Amnother Onme Trhing Lefd Tro Anmother
Ohe Lrd Too Ahother Ohne Ting Lred T Ahnother Onhe Tihng Lerd To Anhother Oje Tjing L4d Tk Ajother Ojne Tjhing L4ed Tko Ajnother Onje Thjing Le4d Tok Anjother
Obe Tuing Ldd T9 Abother Obne Tuhing Lded T9o Abnother Onbe Thuing Ledd To9 Anbother Onee Tning Lwd T0 Anoother On Tnhing Lwed T0o Anther One Thning Lewd To0 Antoher
Ons Tbing Tl Ankther Onse Tbhing Le Tlo Ankother Ones Thbing Led Tol Anokther On3 Tging Lex Ti An9ther On3e Lexd Tio An9other One3 Thging Ledx Toi Ano9ther
Onf Tying Lee An0ther Onfe An0other Onef Thying Lede Ano0ther Onr Thiing Lef Anlther Onre Thng Anlother Oner Thnig Ledf Anolther
On4 Thjng Ler Anither On4e Aniother One4 Thijng Ledr Anoither Ond Th9ng Lec Anotther Onde Th9ing Lecd Anoher Oned Thi9ng Ledc Anohter
Onw Thlng Les Anofher Onwe Thling Anofther Onew Thilng Leds Anotfher Thong Ano5her Thoing Ano5ther Thiong Anot5her
Thkng Anohher Thking Anohther Thikng Anothher Th8ng Anoyher Th8ing Anoyther Thi8ng Anotyher
Thung Ano6her Ano6ther

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