
We heard the rain on the window
Like a sinful waste of time
We heard the sirens' wailing
Like the world had lost its smile
We spend our days together
Hiding far from everything
Oh we knew it was over
When the summer turned to spring

All the words we said
All the time we spent
Does it mean nothing
Does it mean nothing

Mirror lyrics:

Does it mean nothing
Does it mean nothing
All the time we spent
All the words we said

When the summer turned to spring
Oh we knew it was over
Hiding far from everything
We spend our days together
Like the world had lost its smile
We heard the sirens' wailing
Like a sinful waste of time
We heard the rain on the window

Relevant Tags:
JJltf ltf lJtf kltf kJltf Jkltf iltf iJltf Jiltf mltf mJltf
Jmltf nltf nJltf Jnltf hltf hJltf Jhltf ultf uJltf Jultf Jlltf
Jtf Jtlf Jktf Jlktf Jotf Joltf Jlotf Jptf Jpltf Jlptf Jlttf
Jlf Jlft Jlff

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