In The Sign Of The Ravens

Born like a true hammerchild
I was a long time ago.
Dubbed with lightning and steel
in the sign of the ravens.
Cold nordic winds
sweep across our land
with air
breathed in the sky.

Under the wings
of Odins messengers we live.
Carrying on our nordic blood
from fathers to sons.

In the sign of the ravens,
our hearts still pounds.
To the might of thy hammer,
we are eternally bound.

In the sign of the ravens,
our hearts still pounds.
To the might of thy hammer,
we are eternally bound.

Strong ancient spirits
guards our way of living,
with scenes
seen way up in Valhall.
When the horn is blown
we will stand united
in long armoured lines,
ready for the eastern threat.

We shall fight beneath the sky,
as you fight above.
We shall all be willing to die,
in the sign of the ravens.

Mirror lyrics:

in the sign of the ravens.
We shall all be willing to die,
as you fight above.
We shall fight beneath the sky,

ready for the eastern threat.
in long armoured lines,
we will stand united
When the horn is blown
seen way up in Valhall.
with scenes
guards our way of living,
Strong ancient spirits

we are eternally bound.
To the might of thy hammer,
our hearts still pounds.
In the sign of the ravens,

we are eternally bound.
To the might of thy hammer,
our hearts still pounds.
In the sign of the ravens,

from fathers to sons.
Carrying on our nordic blood
of Odins messengers we live.
Under the wings

breathed in the sky.
with air
sweep across our land
Cold nordic winds
in the sign of the ravens.
Dubbed with lightning and steel
I was a long time ago.
Born like a true hammerchild

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe SSign OOf TThe RRavens n he ign f he avens nI hTe iSgn fO hTe aRvens jn fhe zign kf fhe davens jIn fThe zSign kOf fThe dRavens
Ijn Tfhe Szign Okf Tfhe Rdavens 9n 5he wign 9f 5he 4avens 9In 5The wSign 9Of 5The 4Ravens I9n T5he Swign O9f T5he R4avens ln hhe dign 0f hhe gavens
lIn hThe dSign 0Of hThe gRavens Iln Thhe Sdign O0f Thhe Rgavens on yhe eign lf yhe tavens oIn yThe eSign lOf yThe tRavens Ion Tyhe Seign Olf Tyhe Rtavens
kn 6he xign if 6he 5avens kIn 6The xSign iOf 6The 5Ravens Ikn T6he Sxign Oif T6he R5avens 8n ghe aign Off ghe favens 8In gThe aSign O gThe fRavens
I8n Tghe Saign Of Tghe Rfavens un rhe Siign Oc rhe eavens uIn rThe Sgn Ocf rThe eRavens Iun Trhe Sgin Ofc Trhe Reavens Inn Sjgn Or Raavens
I Te Sjign Orf Te Rvens In Teh Sijgn Ofr Teh Rvaens Im Tje S9gn Og Tje Rzvens Imn Tjhe S9ign Ogf Tjhe Rzavens Inm Thje Si9gn Ofg Thje Razvens
Ih Tue Slgn Ot Tue Rqvens Ihn Tuhe Slign Otf Tuhe Rqavens Inh Thue Silgn Oft Thue Raqvens Ij Tne Sogn Ov Tne Rsvens Tnhe Soign Ovf Tnhe Rsavens
Inj Thne Siogn Ofv Thne Rasvens Ib Tbe Skgn Od Tbe Rwvens Ibn Tbhe Skign Odf Tbhe Rwavens Inb Thbe Sikgn Ofd Thbe Rawvens Tge S8gn Tge Rxvens
S8ign Rxavens Thge Si8gn Thge Raxvens Tye Sugn Tye Ravvens Suign Raens Thye Siugn Thye Raevns
Thee Siggn Thee Rabens Th Sin Th Rabvens The Sing The Ravbens Ths Sihn Ths Racens Thse Sihgn Thse Racvens
Thes Sighn Thes Ravcens Th3 Siyn Th3 Ragens Th3e Siygn Th3e Ragvens The3 Sigyn The3 Ravgens Thf Sibn Thf Rafens
Thfe Sibgn Thfe Rafvens Thef Sigbn Thef Ravfens Thr Sivn Thr Raveens

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