Minute Switch
Going Home

I can't stay here
This place is over-rated
Year after year we take a downward slide

Bottle my fear
Not spiritually sedated
The end is near and I've got nothing to hide

So hear me out one more time

Oh by the way
I'm going home, I'm going home someday
I can not stay
I'm going home, I'm going home someday
I'm sorry I can't stay
I'm going home

The place where I stand
Is only temporary
The kingdom at hand is for eternity

That's where I'll be
That's where I'll be
That's where I'll be
For all eternity

Will you be up there with me

Mirror lyrics:

Will you be up there with me

For all eternity
That's where I'll be
That's where I'll be
That's where I'll be

The kingdom at hand is for eternity
Is only temporary
The place where I stand

I'm going home
I'm sorry I can't stay
I'm going home, I'm going home someday
I can not stay
I'm going home, I'm going home someday
Oh by the way

So hear me out one more time

The end is near and I've got nothing to hide
Not spiritually sedated
Bottle my fear

Year after year we take a downward slide
This place is over-rated
I can't stay here

Relevant Tags:
GGoing HHome oing ome oGing oHme hoing jome hGoing jHome Ghoing Hjome yoing uome yGoing uHome Gyoing Huome boing nome bGoing nHome
Gboing Hnome voing bome vGoing bHome Gvoing Hbome foing gome fGoing gHome Gfoing Hgome toing yome tGoing yHome Gtoing Hyome Gooing Hoome
Ging Hme Giong Hmoe Gking Hkme Gkoing Hkome Goking Hokme G9ing H9me G9oing H9ome Go9ing Ho9me G0ing H0me G0oing H0ome Go0ing Ho0me
Gling Hlme Gloing Hlome Goling Holme Giing Hime Gioing Hiome Goiing Hoime Homme Gong Hoe Gonig Hoem Gojng Hoje Gojing Hojme
Goijng Homje Go9ng Hoke

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