Miranda Lambert
Me And Charlie Talking

Me and Charlie boy used to go walkin'
Sittin' in the woods behind my house
When being lovers meant a stolen kiss
And holding hands with nobody else around
Charlie said, he wanted to get married
But we were only ten so we'd have to wait
He said, we'd never let our love run dry
Like so many do these days

So we treat our love like a firefly
Like it only gets to shine
For a little while
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
That's just me and Charlie talking

Charlie always said he'd like to leave here
Turned eighteen and he left our sleepy town
Letters came and went and I kept waiting
For Charlie to come back
And bring the life he'd found
Funny how time and distance change you
The road you take don't always lead you home
You can start a love with good intentions
And then you'll look up and its gone

So you treat your love like a firefly
Like it only gets to shine
For a little while
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
That's just me and Charlie talking

Now and then, I sometimes think of Charlie
And how we thought we knew it all back then
Now I'd give anything to feel the love
From a child's heart again

So you treat your love like a firefly
Like it only gets to shine
For a little while
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
Thats just me and Charlie
Me and Charlie talking

La la la la la la La la la la la la la la

Mirror lyrics:

La la la la la la La la la la la la la la

Me and Charlie talking
Thats just me and Charlie
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
For a little while
Like it only gets to shine
So you treat your love like a firefly

From a child's heart again
Now I'd give anything to feel the love
And how we thought we knew it all back then
Now and then, I sometimes think of Charlie

That's just me and Charlie talking
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
For a little while
Like it only gets to shine
So you treat your love like a firefly

And then you'll look up and its gone
You can start a love with good intentions
The road you take don't always lead you home
Funny how time and distance change you
And bring the life he'd found
For Charlie to come back
Letters came and went and I kept waiting
Turned eighteen and he left our sleepy town
Charlie always said he'd like to leave here

That's just me and Charlie talking
Oh, oh promises were made when we'd go walking
Runnin' like hell to show it off
Catch it in a mason jar with holes in the top
For a little while
Like it only gets to shine
So we treat our love like a firefly

Like so many do these days
He said, we'd never let our love run dry
But we were only ten so we'd have to wait
Charlie said, he wanted to get married
And holding hands with nobody else around
When being lovers meant a stolen kiss
Sittin' in the woods behind my house
Me and Charlie boy used to go walkin'

Relevant Tags:
MMe AAnd CCharlie TTalking e nd harlie alking eM nAd hCarlie aTlking je znd fharlie falking jMe zAnd fCharlie fTalking Mje Aznd Cfharlie Tfalking
ke qnd xharlie 5alking kMe qAnd xCharlie 5Talking Mke Aqnd Cxharlie T5alking ne snd vharlie halking nMe sAnd vCharlie hTalking Mne Asnd Cvharlie Thalking
Mee wnd dharlie yalking M wAnd dCharlie yTalking Me Awnd Cdharlie Tyalking Ms xnd Chharlie 6alking Mse xAnd Carlie 6Talking Mes Axnd Cahrlie T6alking
M3 Annd Cjarlie galking M3e Ad Cjharlie gTalking Me3 Adn Chjarlie Tgalking Mf Amd Cuarlie ralking Mfe Amnd Cuharlie rTalking Mef Anmd Chuarlie Tralking
Mr Ahd Cnarlie Taalking Mre Ahnd Cnharlie Tlking Mer Anhd Chnarlie Tlaking M4 Ajd Cbarlie Tzlking M4e Ajnd Cbharlie Tzalking Me4 Anjd Chbarlie Tazlking
Md Abd Cgarlie Tqlking Mde Abnd Cgharlie Tqalking Med Anbd Chgarlie Taqlking Mw Andd Cyarlie Tslking Mwe An Cyharlie Tsalking Mew And Chyarlie Taslking
Anx Chaarlie Twlking Anxd Chrlie Twalking Andx Chralie Tawlking Ane Chzrlie Txlking Aned Chzarlie Txalking Ande Chazrlie Taxlking
Anf Chqrlie Tallking Anfd Chqarlie Taking Andf Chaqrlie Takling Anr Chsrlie Takking Anrd Chsarlie Taklking Andr Chasrlie Talkking
Anc Chwrlie Taoking Ancd Chwarlie Taolking Andc Chawrlie Taloking Ans Chxrlie Tapking Ansd Chxarlie Taplking Ands Chaxrlie Talpking
Charrlie Chalie Taling Chalrie Talikng Chadlie Talling Chadrlie Chardlie Talkling
Cha4lie Taloing Cha4rlie Char4lie Talkoing Chaglie Talming Chagrlie Talmking Charglie Talkming
Chatlie Taljing Chatrlie Taljking

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