Moe Bandy
She Stays In The Name Of Love

(Max D. Barnes)

I've been everything that a man shouldn't be
I've done things a man won't do
And it's hard to believe what she sees in me
After all that I put her through.

But I guess that she knows when the bars finally close
She's the one that I'm thinkin' of
Well she could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But she stays in the name of love.

She cries in the name of a feelin'
That same ole feelin' each time I'm gone
She knows when I say I'll be home right away
That it might take all night long.

She tries to pretend I won't hurt her again
When Lord knows she's hurt enough
She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But she stays in the name of love.

--- Instrumental ---

I go to the same ole places
The same ole faces are all I see
But I stay ev'ry night in the dim red light
While she waits all alone for me.

She could have any man in the palm of her hand
But I guess that she cares too much
Well, she could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But she stays in the name of love.

She cries in the name of a feelin'
That same ole feelin' each time I'm gone
She knows when I say I'll be home right away
That it might take all night long.

She tries to pretend I won't hurt her again
When Lord knows she's hurt enough
She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But she stays in the name of love.

She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But she stays in the name of love...

Mirror lyrics:

But she stays in the name of love...
She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain

But she stays in the name of love.
She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
When Lord knows she's hurt enough
She tries to pretend I won't hurt her again

That it might take all night long.
She knows when I say I'll be home right away
That same ole feelin' each time I'm gone
She cries in the name of a feelin'

But she stays in the name of love.
Well, she could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
But I guess that she cares too much
She could have any man in the palm of her hand

While she waits all alone for me.
But I stay ev'ry night in the dim red light
The same ole faces are all I see
I go to the same ole places

--- Instrumental ---

But she stays in the name of love.
She could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
When Lord knows she's hurt enough
She tries to pretend I won't hurt her again

That it might take all night long.
She knows when I say I'll be home right away
That same ole feelin' each time I'm gone
She cries in the name of a feelin'

But she stays in the name of love.
Well she could leave in the name of a heart full of pain
She's the one that I'm thinkin' of
But I guess that she knows when the bars finally close

After all that I put her through.
And it's hard to believe what she sees in me
I've done things a man won't do
I've been everything that a man shouldn't be

(Max D. Barnes)

Relevant Tags:
SShe SStays IIn TThe NName OOf LLove he tays n he ame f ove hSe tSays nI hTe aNme fO oLve zhe ztays jn fhe mame kf kove zShe zStays jIn fThe mName kOf kLove
Szhe Sztays Ijn Tfhe Nmame Okf Lkove whe wtays 9n 5he hame 9f oove wShe wStays 9In 5The hName 9Of oLove Swhe Swtays I9n T5he Nhame O9f Loove dhe dtays ln hhe jame 0f pove
dShe dStays lIn hThe jName 0Of pLove Sdhe Sdtays Iln Thhe Njame O0f Lpove ehe etays on yhe bame lf eShe eStays oIn yThe bName lOf Lve Sehe Setays Ion Tyhe Nbame Olf Lvoe
xhe xtays kn 6he Naame if Lkve xShe xStays kIn 6The Nme iOf Sxhe Sxtays Ikn T6he Nmae Oif Lokve ahe atays 8n ghe Nzme Off L9ve aShe aStays 8In gThe Nzame O L9ove
Sahe Satays I8n Tghe Nazme Of Lo9ve Shhe Sttays un rhe Nqme Oc L0ve Se Says uIn rThe Nqame Ocf L0ove Seh Satys Iun Trhe Naqme Ofc Lo0ve Sje Sfays Inn Nsme Or Llve
Sjhe Sftays I Te Nsame Orf Llove Shje Stfays In Teh Nasme Ofr Lolve Sue S5ays Im Tje Nwme Og Live Suhe S5tays Imn Tjhe Nwame Ogf Liove Shue St5ays Inm Thje Nawme Ofg Loive
Sne Shays Ih Tue Nxme Ot Lovve Snhe Shtays Ihn Tuhe Nxame Otf Loe Shne Sthays Inh Thue Naxme Oft Loev Sbe Syays Ij Tne Namme Ov Lobe Sbhe Sytays Tnhe Nae Ovf Lobve
Shbe Styays Inj Thne Naem Ofv Lovbe Sge S6ays Ib Tbe Naje Od Loce Sghe S6tays Ibn Tbhe Najme Odf Locve Shge St6ays Inb Thbe Namje Ofd Lovce Sye Sgays Tge Nake Loge
Syhe Sgtays Nakme Logve Shye Stgays Thge Namke Lovge Shee Srays Tye Nane Lofe Sh Srtays Nanme Lofve She Strays Thye Namne Lovfe
Shs Staays Thee Namee Lovee Shse Stys Th Nam Lov Shes Styas The Name Love Sh3 Stzys Ths Nams Lovs Sh3e Stzays Thse Namse Lovse
She3 Stazys Thes Names Loves Shf Stqys Th3 Nam3 Lov3 Shfe Stqays Th3e Nam3e Lov3e Shef Staqys The3 Name3 Love3

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