Moe Bandy
Recycling Memories

(Bobby Fisher - Chris Blake)

I don't save any paper I don't flatten tin cans
I never help with ecology but now I guess I am
I'm still driving my pickup with leaded gasoline
But I'm trying to do my part to use things over again.

I'm recycling memories reusing old dreams
Saving the precious past you shared with me
I'm not wasting one time we've touched I keep relivin' each scene
I'm recycling memories of love that used to be.

--- Instrumental ---

I still use too much water when I water the lawn
Guess I haven't changed that much baby since you've been gone
I wasn't helpin' the world much with environment plans
But I'm saving our memories I use ever one that I can.

I'm recycling memories reusing old dreams
Saving the precious past you shared with me
I'm not wasting one time we've touched I keep relivin' each scene
I'm recycling memories of love that used to be.

I'm recycling memories of love that used to be...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm recycling memories of love that used to be...

I'm recycling memories of love that used to be.
I'm not wasting one time we've touched I keep relivin' each scene
Saving the precious past you shared with me
I'm recycling memories reusing old dreams

But I'm saving our memories I use ever one that I can.
I wasn't helpin' the world much with environment plans
Guess I haven't changed that much baby since you've been gone
I still use too much water when I water the lawn

--- Instrumental ---

I'm recycling memories of love that used to be.
I'm not wasting one time we've touched I keep relivin' each scene
Saving the precious past you shared with me
I'm recycling memories reusing old dreams

But I'm trying to do my part to use things over again.
I'm still driving my pickup with leaded gasoline
I never help with ecology but now I guess I am
I don't save any paper I don't flatten tin cans

(Bobby Fisher - Chris Blake)

Relevant Tags:
RRecycling MMemories ecycling emories eRcycling eMmories decycling jemories dRecycling jMemories Rdecycling Mjemories
4ecycling kemories 4Recycling kMemories R4ecycling Mkemories gecycling nemories gRecycling nMemories Rgecycling Mnemories
tecycling Meemories tRecycling Mmories Rtecycling Mmeories 5ecycling Msmories 5Recycling Msemories R5ecycling Mesmories
fecycling M3mories fRecycling M3emories Rfecycling Me3mories eecycling Mfmories eRecycling Mfemories Reecycling Mefmories
Mrmories Rcycling Mremories Rceycling Mermories Rscycling M4mories Rsecycling M4emories Rescycling Me4mories
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