Mike Oldfield
Pictures In The Dark

Follow the light that glows
Through your bedroom window.
Tonight, tonight, the fading twilight.
There's a hollow deep in the woods
Where you know you're crazy
To go, to go, not even meant to know
There are...

Pictures in the dark, I see all around.
Voices calling underground
And I'm watching the stars since the
World was found.

One, two, three.

Pictures in the dark, I see
Morpheus comes to me.
Pictures in the dark, I see.
Aurora sets you free.

And in the deepest dark
You come to a maze in.
The night, the night, the fading twilight.
And you shiver the glistening path
Where you know you're crazy
To go, to go, not even meant to know.
There are...

Pictures in the dark, I see all around.
Voices calling underground
And I'm watching the stars since the
World was found.

One, two, three.

Lost in my dreams.

This night will never end.
You can only fly in your dreams.
Midnight will be your friend.
Drift away on starlight beams.
Clocks are ticking the night away.
You can only fly until dawn ascends.

Repeat Chorus

The moon shines starlight beams
And you'll be flying in your dreams.

Repeat Chorus

The moon shines starlight beams
And you'll be flying in your dreams.

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

And you'll be flying in your dreams.
The moon shines starlight beams

Repeat Chorus

And you'll be flying in your dreams.
The moon shines starlight beams

Repeat Chorus

You can only fly until dawn ascends.
Clocks are ticking the night away.
Drift away on starlight beams.
Midnight will be your friend.
You can only fly in your dreams.
This night will never end.

Lost in my dreams.

One, two, three.

World was found.
And I'm watching the stars since the
Voices calling underground
Pictures in the dark, I see all around.

There are...
To go, to go, not even meant to know.
Where you know you're crazy
And you shiver the glistening path
The night, the night, the fading twilight.
You come to a maze in.
And in the deepest dark

Aurora sets you free.
Pictures in the dark, I see.
Morpheus comes to me.
Pictures in the dark, I see

One, two, three.

World was found.
And I'm watching the stars since the
Voices calling underground
Pictures in the dark, I see all around.

There are...
To go, to go, not even meant to know
Where you know you're crazy
There's a hollow deep in the woods
Tonight, tonight, the fading twilight.
Through your bedroom window.
Follow the light that glows

Relevant Tags:
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