Mike And The Mechanics
All The Light I Need

Mike and the Mechanics - All the Light I Need

I read all the philosophies
The theory ideologies
They leave me cold I sit around at tables talking
Long into the night and when we're walking home
You take me by the hand
You say you understand
And this is all the light I need

I know we've had our ups and downs
I play the fool I play the clown
Just like a man
I think it wouldn't be so bad
If only you believed I had some kind of plan
But as the evening fades
You say you're going to stay

And this is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
You come to me and then
You love me once again
And this is all the light I need

When we found the going tough
You always seemed to have enough
To pull us through
Although I never mention it
I often wonder how I'd manage without you
You say that in the end
You'll always be my friend

And this is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
You come to me and then
You love me once again
And this is all the light I need

You say that in the end
You'll always be my friend

And this is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
You come to me and then
You love me once again
This is all the light I need

This is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
This is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
This is all the light I need

Mirror lyrics:

This is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
This is all the light I need
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
This is all the light I need

This is all the light I need
You love me once again
You come to me and then
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
And this is all the light I need

You'll always be my friend
You say that in the end

And this is all the light I need
You love me once again
You come to me and then
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
And this is all the light I need

You'll always be my friend
You say that in the end
I often wonder how I'd manage without you
Although I never mention it
To pull us through
You always seemed to have enough
When we found the going tough

And this is all the light I need
You love me once again
You come to me and then
And these are all the clothes that keep me warm
And this is all the light I need

You say you're going to stay
But as the evening fades
If only you believed I had some kind of plan
I think it wouldn't be so bad
Just like a man
I play the fool I play the clown
I know we've had our ups and downs

And this is all the light I need
You say you understand
You take me by the hand
Long into the night and when we're walking home
They leave me cold I sit around at tables talking
The theory ideologies
I read all the philosophies

Mike and the Mechanics - All the Light I Need

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe LLight II NNeed ll he ight eed lAl hTe iLght I eNed zll fhe kight j meed zAll fThe kLight jI mNeed Azll Tfhe Lkight Ij Nmeed
qll 5he oight 9 heed qAll 5The oLight 9I hNeed Aqll T5he Loight I9 Nheed sll hhe pight l jeed sAll hThe pLight lI jNeed Asll Thhe Lpight Il Njeed
wll yhe Liight o beed wAll yThe Lght oI bNeed Awll Tyhe Lgiht Io Nbeed xll 6he Ljght k Neeed xAll 6The Ljight kI Ned Axll T6he Lijght Ik Need
Alll ghe L9ght 8 Nsed Al gThe L9ight 8I Nseed All Tghe Li9ght I8 Nesed Akl rhe Llght u N3ed Akll rThe Llight uI N3eed Alkl Trhe Lilght Iu Ne3ed
Aol Loght Nfed Aoll Te Nfeed Alol Teh Lioght Nefed Apl Tje Lkght Nred Apll Tjhe Nreed Alpl Thje Likght Nered
Tue L8ght N4ed Tuhe L8ight N4eed Thue Li8ght Ne4ed Alk Tne Lught Nded Tnhe Luight Ndeed Allk Thne Liught Neded
Alo Tbe Ligght Nwed Tbhe Liht Nweed Allo Thbe Lihgt Newed Alp Tge Lihht Lihght Allp Thge Lighht Nede
Tye Liyht Nesd Liyght Thye Ligyht Neesd Thee Libht Ne3d Th Libght

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