Milk Inc.

I still think of you!

Six o'clock in the morning,
A plane just touched the ground.
My body is here but my heart stays there,
'cause it knows what I've found.

Eight o'clock in the morning,
A taxi drives uptown.
The city hides her lonely tears,
'cause it knows what I've found.

Oceans apart,
I'm still thinking of you,
Tears in my heart,
All my dreams up torn in two.

Eight o'clock in the evening,
the phone just lies around.
Friends they come and understand,
'cause they know what I've found.

It's two after midnight
I'm woken by a sound.
I look outside there's no one there,
that knows just what I've found.

Oceans apart,
I'm still thinking of you,
Tears in my heart,
All my dreams up torn in two.

As the sun touches the ocean,
I know it touches you.
As clouds embrace the moonlight,
I still think of you.

I still think of you...

I still think of you...

Mirror lyrics:

I still think of you...

I still think of you...

I still think of you.
As clouds embrace the moonlight,
I know it touches you.
As the sun touches the ocean,

All my dreams up torn in two.
Tears in my heart,
I'm still thinking of you,
Oceans apart,

that knows just what I've found.
I look outside there's no one there,
I'm woken by a sound.
It's two after midnight

'cause they know what I've found.
Friends they come and understand,
the phone just lies around.
Eight o'clock in the evening,

All my dreams up torn in two.
Tears in my heart,
I'm still thinking of you,
Oceans apart,

'cause it knows what I've found.
The city hides her lonely tears,
A taxi drives uptown.
Eight o'clock in the morning,

'cause it knows what I've found.
My body is here but my heart stays there,
A plane just touched the ground.
Six o'clock in the morning,

I still think of you!

Relevant Tags:
OOceans ceans cOeans kceans kOceans Okceans 9ceans 9Oceans O9ceans 0ceans 0Oceans
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Ofceans Ocfeans Oxeans Oxceans Ocxeans Oveans Ovceans Ocveans Odeans Odceans Ocdeans
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