Milk Inc.
Land Of The Living

I'm running round in circles,
Meeting people I see everyday.
There's no-one left to talk to,
'cause I allready know each word they'll say...

In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
I will search no more,
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
In the land of the living...

I'm running round in circles,
Meeting people I see everyday.
There's no-one left to talk to,
'cause I allready know each word they'll say...

If only I could find the things I miss,
There must be someplace where there's more to life than this...

In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
I will search no more,
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
In the land of the living...

I'm running round in circles,
Going places I go everyday.
Don't wanna be here anymore,
I've got no reasons left to stay.

If only I could find the things I miss,
There must be someplace where there's more to life than this...

I will search no more... (x2)
'Cause it's you that I've been looking for.

In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
I will search no more,
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.

In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
I will search no more,
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
In the land of the living!

Mirror lyrics:

In the land of the living!
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
I will search no more,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,

'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
I will search no more,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,

'Cause it's you that I've been looking for.
I will search no more... (x2)

There must be someplace where there's more to life than this...
If only I could find the things I miss,

I've got no reasons left to stay.
Don't wanna be here anymore,
Going places I go everyday.
I'm running round in circles,

In the land of the living...
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
I will search no more,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,

There must be someplace where there's more to life than this...
If only I could find the things I miss,

'cause I allready know each word they'll say...
There's no-one left to talk to,
Meeting people I see everyday.
I'm running round in circles,

In the land of the living...
'cause it's you that I've been looking for.
I will search no more,
In the land of the living,
To open me,
In the land of the living,
There's a key,
In the land of the living,

'cause I allready know each word they'll say...
There's no-one left to talk to,
Meeting people I see everyday.
I'm running round in circles,

Relevant Tags:
LLand OOf TThe LLiving and f he iving aLnd fO hTe iLving kand kf fhe kiving kLand kOf fThe kLiving Lkand Okf Tfhe Lkiving
oand 9f 5he oiving oLand 9Of 5The oLiving Loand O9f T5he Loiving pand 0f hhe piving pLand 0Of hThe pLiving Lpand O0f Thhe Lpiving
Laand lf yhe Liiving Lnd lOf yThe Lving Lnad Olf Tyhe Lviing Lznd if 6he Ljving Lzand iOf 6The Ljiving Laznd Oif T6he Lijving
Lqnd Off ghe L9ving Lqand O gThe L9iving Laqnd Of Tghe Li9ving Lsnd Oc rhe Llving Lsand Ocf rThe Lliving Lasnd Ofc Trhe Lilving
Lwnd Or Loving Lwand Orf Te Lawnd Ofr Teh Lioving Lxnd Og Tje Lkving Lxand Ogf Tjhe Laxnd Ofg Thje Likving
Lannd Ot Tue L8ving Lad Otf Tuhe L8iving Ladn Oft Thue Li8ving Lamd Ov Tne Luving Lamnd Ovf Tnhe Luiving Lanmd Ofv Thne Liuving
Lahd Od Tbe Livving Lahnd Odf Tbhe Liing Lanhd Ofd Thbe Liivng Lajd Tge Libing Lajnd Libving Lanjd Thge Livbing
Labd Tye Licing Labnd Licving Lanbd Thye Livcing Landd Thee Liging Lan Th Ligving Land The Livging
Lanx Ths Lifing Lanxd Thse Lifving Landx Thes Livfing Lane Th3 Liviing Laned Th3e Livng

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