Michael Bolton
(sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay

Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes
Watchin' the ships roll in
Then I watch 'em roll away again
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide, roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

Left my home in Georgia
Headed for the Frisco Bay
I had nothin' to live for
Looks like nothin's gonna come my way
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

Looks like nothin's gonna change
Everything, everything remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll just remain the same

I'm sittin' here restin' my bones
Two thousand miles, I roam
Just to make this dock my home
I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time...

Mirror lyrics:

Wastin' time...
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Just to make this dock my home
Two thousand miles, I roam
I'm sittin' here restin' my bones

So I guess I'll just remain the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
Everything, everything remains the same
Looks like nothin's gonna change

Wastin' time
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Looks like nothin's gonna come my way
I had nothin' to live for
Headed for the Frisco Bay
Left my home in Georgia

Wastin' time
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide, roll away
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Then I watch 'em roll away again
Watchin' the ships roll in
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes
Sittin' in the mornin' sun

Relevant Tags:
((sittin' OOn) TThe DDock OOf TThe BBay sittin' n) he ock f he ay s(ittin' nO) hTe oDck fO hTe aBy (ssittin' kn) fhe xock kf fhe vay (ittin' kOn) fThe xDock kOf fThe vBay
(isttin' Okn) Tfhe Dxock Okf Tfhe Bvay (zittin' 9n) 5he eock 9f 5he gay (zsittin' 9On) 5The eDock 9Of 5The gBay (szittin' O9n) T5he Deock O9f T5he Bgay (wittin' 0n) hhe fock 0f hhe nay
(wsittin' 0On) hThe fDock 0Of hThe nBay (swittin' O0n) Thhe Dfock O0f Thhe Bnay (dittin' ln) yhe rock lf yhe hay (dsittin' lOn) yThe rDock lOf yThe hBay (sdittin' Oln) Tyhe Drock Olf Tyhe Bhay
(eittin' in) 6he cock if 6he Baay (esittin' iOn) 6The cDock iOf 6The By (seittin' Oin) T6he Dcock Oif T6he Bya (xittin' Onn) ghe sock Off ghe Bzy (xsittin' O) gThe sDock O gThe Bzay
(sxittin' O)n Tghe Dsock Of Tghe Bazy (aittin' Om) rhe Doock Oc rhe Bqy (asittin' Omn) rThe Dck Ocf rThe Bqay (saittin' Onm) Trhe Dcok Ofc Trhe Baqy (siittin' Oh) Dkck Or Bsy
(sttin' Ohn) Te Dkock Orf Te Bsay (stitin' Onh) Teh Dokck Ofr Teh Basy (sjttin' Oj) Tje D9ck Og Tje Bwy (sjittin' Ojn) Tjhe D9ock Ogf Tjhe Bway (sijttin' Onj) Thje Do9ck Ofg Thje Bawy
(s9ttin' Ob) Tue D0ck Ot Tue Bxy (s9ittin' Obn) Tuhe D0ock Otf Tuhe Bxay (si9ttin' Onb) Thue Do0ck Oft Thue Baxy (slttin' On)) Tne Dlck Ov Tne Bayy (slittin' On Tnhe Dlock Ovf Tnhe Ba
(silttin' On) Thne Dolck Ofv Thne Bay (sottin' Tbe Dick Od Tbe Bag (soittin' Tbhe Diock Odf Tbhe Bagy (siottin' Thbe Doick Ofd Thbe Bayg (skttin' Tge Docck Tge Bah
(skittin' Dok Bahy (sikttin' Thge Dokc Thge Bayh (s8ttin' Tye Dofk Tye Ba6 (s8ittin' Dofck Ba6y (si8ttin' Thye Docfk Thye Bay6
(suttin' Thee Doxk Thee Bau (suittin' Th Doxck Th Bauy (siuttin' The Docxk The Bayu (sitttin' Ths Dovk Ths Ba7 (sitin' Thse Dovck Thse Ba7y
(sittin' Thes Docvk Thes Bay7 (siftin' Th3 Dodk Th3 Baj (sifttin' Th3e Dodck Th3e Bajy (sitftin' The3 Docdk The3 Bayj (si5tin' Thf Dockk Thf Bat
(si5ttin' Thfe Doc Thfe Baty (sit5tin' Thef Dock Thef Bayt (sihtin' Thr Docl Thr (sihttin' Thre Doclk Thre (sithtin' Ther Dockl Ther
(siytin' Th4 Doco Th4 (siyttin' Th4e Docok Th4e (sitytin' The4 Docko The4 (si6tin' Thd Docm Thd

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