The Forbidden Zone

Some say that's where man began
On this wasted piece of land
Where evolution's yet to show
Forbidden zone
Blasting into outer space
The planet of the apes
Evolution's one hero…

Crossing a plain,
Into another dimension
A million years into the future
Crossing a path
Into another dimension
We the unseen

Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,
All the evidence destroyed
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
We, the lost abandoned saviors
Of the forbidden zone

Some say that's where man began
On this wasted piece of land
Where evolution's yet to show
Forbidden zone
Blasting into outer space
The planet of the apes
Evolution's one hero…

Crossing a plain,
Into another dimension
A million years into the future
Crossing a path
Into another dimension
We the unseen

Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,
All the evidence destroyed
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
We are lost abandoned saviors

Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,
All the evidence destroyed
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
We, the lost abandoned saviors
We shall sustain the forbidden zone

The forbidden zone
The forbidden zone

Blasting into outer space
The planet of the apes
Evolution's one hero
Forbidden zone

Mirror lyrics:

Forbidden zone
Evolution's one hero
The planet of the apes
Blasting into outer space

The forbidden zone
The forbidden zone

We shall sustain the forbidden zone
We, the lost abandoned saviors
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
All the evidence destroyed
Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,

We are lost abandoned saviors
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
All the evidence destroyed
Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,

We the unseen
Into another dimension
Crossing a path
A million years into the future
Into another dimension
Crossing a plain,

Evolution's one hero…
The planet of the apes
Blasting into outer space
Forbidden zone
Where evolution's yet to show
On this wasted piece of land
Some say that's where man began

Of the forbidden zone
We, the lost abandoned saviors
Maps and legends mark the firewalls
All the evidence destroyed
Back on Earth, it's all you'll read about,

We the unseen
Into another dimension
Crossing a path
A million years into the future
Into another dimension
Crossing a plain,

Evolution's one hero…
The planet of the apes
Blasting into outer space
Forbidden zone
Where evolution's yet to show
On this wasted piece of land
Some say that's where man began

Relevant Tags:
TThe FForbidden ZZone he orbidden one hTe oFrbidden oZne fhe corbidden aone fThe cForbidden aZone Tfhe Fcorbidden Zaone
5he rorbidden sone 5The rForbidden sZone T5he Frorbidden Zsone hhe gorbidden xone hThe gForbidden xZone Thhe Fgorbidden Zxone
yhe torbidden Zoone yThe tForbidden Zne Tyhe Ftorbidden Znoe 6he vorbidden Zkne 6The vForbidden Zkone T6he Fvorbidden Zokne
ghe dorbidden Z9ne gThe dForbidden Z9one Tghe Fdorbidden Zo9ne rhe Foorbidden Z0ne rThe Frbidden Z0one Trhe Frobidden Zo0ne
Fkrbidden Zlne Te Fkorbidden Zlone Teh Fokrbidden Zolne Tje F9rbidden Zine Tjhe F9orbidden Zione Thje Fo9rbidden Zoine
Tue F0rbidden Zonne Tuhe F0orbidden Zoe Thue Fo0rbidden Zoen Tne Flrbidden Zome Tnhe Florbidden Zomne Thne Folrbidden Zonme
Tbe Firbidden Zohe Tbhe Fiorbidden Zohne Thbe Foirbidden Zonhe Tge Forrbidden Zoje Fobidden Zojne Thge Fobridden Zonje
Tye Fodbidden Zobe Fodrbidden Zobne Thye Fordbidden Zonbe Thee Fo4bidden Zonee Th Fo4rbidden Zon The For4bidden Zone
Ths Fogbidden Zons Thse Fogrbidden Zonse Thes Forgbidden Zones Th3 Fotbidden Zon3 Th3e Fotrbidden Zon3e The3 Fortbidden Zone3
Thf Fo5bidden Zonf Thfe Fo5rbidden Zonfe Thef For5bidden Zonef Thr Fofbidden Zonr Thre Fofrbidden Zonre Ther Forfbidden Zoner
Th4 Foebidden Zon4 Th4e Foerbidden Zon4e The4 Forebidden Zone4 Thd Forbbidden Zond Thde Foridden Zonde Thed Foribdden Zoned
Thw Forvidden Zonw Thwe Forvbidden Zonwe Thew Forbvidden Zonew Forgidden Forbgidden Fornidden
Fornbidden Forbnidden Forhidden Forhbidden Forbhidden Forbiidden
Forbdden Forbdiden Forbjdden Forbjidden Forbijdden

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