Fiend Without A Face

See the features of my rage
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
My face

The fever rots
The brain goes numb inside
I feel the blackout coming
A boiled blister pops inside

My ears still bleed
With razor-sharp precision
Mouths that mouth the sweetness
Dank of final breath upon my chest

See the features of my rage
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
My face

We lasted all night
The dogs keep up and snickering
Just stay with me one moment
Then I'll go away

My ears still bleed
With razor-sharp precision
I'll burn in hell
Before I plunge into life's darkness

See the features of my rage
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
See the features of my rage
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
My face

A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face

Mirror lyrics:

A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face
A fiend without a face

My face
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
See the features of my rage
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
See the features of my rage

Before I plunge into life's darkness
I'll burn in hell
With razor-sharp precision
My ears still bleed

Then I'll go away
Just stay with me one moment
The dogs keep up and snickering
We lasted all night

My face
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
See the features of my rage

Dank of final breath upon my chest
Mouths that mouth the sweetness
With razor-sharp precision
My ears still bleed

A boiled blister pops inside
I feel the blackout coming
The brain goes numb inside
The fever rots

My face
Begin to shoot the fiend without a face
See the features of my rage

Relevant Tags:
FFiend WWithout AA FFace iend ithout ace iFend iWthout A aFce ciend aithout z cace cFiend aWithout zA cFace Fciend Waithout Az Fcace
riend 3ithout q race rFiend 3Without qA rFace Friend W3ithout Aq Frace giend dithout s gace gFiend dWithout sA gFace Fgiend Wdithout As Fgace
tiend eithout w tace tFiend eWithout wA tFace Ftiend Weithout Aw Ftace viend sithout x vace vFiend sWithout xA vFace Fviend Wsithout Ax Fvace
diend 2ithout dace dFiend 2Without dFace Fdiend W2ithout Fdace Fiiend qithout Faace Fend qWithout Fce Feind Wqithout Fcae
Fjend Wiithout Fzce Fjiend Wthout Fzace Fijend Wtihout Fazce F9end Wjthout Fqce F9iend Wjithout Fqace Fi9end Wijthout Faqce
Flend W9thout Fsce Fliend W9ithout Fsace Filend Wi9thout Fasce Foend Wlthout Fwce Foiend Wlithout Fwace Fioend Wilthout Fawce
Fkend Wothout Fxce Fkiend Woithout Fxace Fikend Wiothout Faxce F8end Wkthout Facce F8iend Wkithout Fae Fi8end Wikthout Faec
Fuend W8thout Fafe Fuiend W8ithout Fafce Fiuend Wi8thout Facfe Fieend Wuthout Faxe Find Wuithout Fined Wiuthout Facxe
Fisnd Witthout Fave Fisend Wihout Favce Fiesnd Wihtout Facve Fi3nd Wifhout Fade Fi3end Wifthout Fadce Fie3nd Witfhout Facde
Fifnd Wi5hout Facee Fifend Wi5thout Fac Fiefnd Wit5hout Face Firnd Wihhout Facs Firend Wihthout Facse Fiernd Withhout Faces
Fi4nd Wiyhout Fac3 Fi4end Wiythout Fac3e Fie4nd Wityhout Face3 Fidnd Wi6hout Facf Fidend Wi6thout Fiednd Wit6hout Facef
Fiwnd Wighout Facr Fiwend Wigthout Facre Fiewnd Witghout Facer Fiennd Wirhout Fac4 Fied Wirthout Fac4e Fiedn Witrhout Face4
Fiemd Facd Fiemnd Witout Fienmd Witohut Faced Fiehd Witjout Facw

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