Mick Jagger
Brand New Set Of Rules

I will be kind won't be so cruel
I will be sweet I will be true
The pains of love you'll quickly learn
Are soon to heat and quick to burn

I got a brand new set of rules
Because I am your brand new fool
I got a brand new set of rules
I got to learn

You'll be so proud so proud of me
You'll see the change so plain to see
Because of you a brand new start
Because of you a change of heart

I got a brand new set of rules
It's just like I was back in school
I got a brand new set of rules
I got to learn

I'm going to change just mark my words
You can't believe all that you heard
All of those lies all of those rumors
That your friends told you

And if I'm left upon the shelf
Cause you belong to someone else
I've got my brand new set of rules
Because I am nobody's fool

I've got a brand new set of rules
I've got to learn
I've got to learn
I've got to learn

Mirror lyrics:

I've got to learn
I've got to learn
I've got to learn
I've got a brand new set of rules

Because I am nobody's fool
I've got my brand new set of rules
Cause you belong to someone else
And if I'm left upon the shelf

That your friends told you
All of those lies all of those rumors
You can't believe all that you heard
I'm going to change just mark my words

I got to learn
I got a brand new set of rules
It's just like I was back in school
I got a brand new set of rules

Because of you a change of heart
Because of you a brand new start
You'll see the change so plain to see
You'll be so proud so proud of me

I got to learn
I got a brand new set of rules
Because I am your brand new fool
I got a brand new set of rules

Are soon to heat and quick to burn
The pains of love you'll quickly learn
I will be sweet I will be true
I will be kind won't be so cruel

Relevant Tags:
BBrand NNew SSet OOf RRules rand ew et f ules rBand eNw eSt fO uRles vrand mew zet kf dules vBrand mNew zSet kOf dRules Bvrand Nmew Szet Okf Rdules
grand hew wet 9f 4ules gBrand hNew wSet 9Of 4Rules Bgrand Nhew Swet O9f R4ules nrand jew det 0f gules nBrand jNew dSet 0Of gRules Bnrand Njew Sdet O0f Rgules
hrand bew eet lf tules hBrand bNew eSet lOf tRules Bhrand Nbew Seet Olf Rtules Brrand Neew xet if 5ules Band Nw xSet iOf 5Rules Barnd Nwe Sxet Oif R5ules
Bdand Nsw aet Off fules Bdrand Nsew aSet O fRules Brdand Nesw Saet Of Rfules B4and N3w Oc eules B4rand N3ew St Ocf eRules Br4and Ne3w Ste Ofc Reules
Bgand Nfw Sst Or Ruules Nfew Sset Orf Rles Brgand Nefw Sest Ofr Rlues Btand Nrw S3t Og Rhles Btrand Nrew S3et Ogf Rhules Brtand Nerw Se3t Ofg Ruhles
B5and N4w Sft Ot R7les B5rand N4ew Sfet Otf R7ules Br5and Ne4w Seft Oft Ru7les Bfand Ndw Srt Ov Rkles Bfrand Ndew Sret Ovf Rkules Brfand Nedw Sert Ofv Rukles
Beand Nww S4t Od Riles Berand Nwew S4et Odf Riules Breand Neww Se4t Ofd Ruiles Braand Sdt R8les Brnd Ne R8ules Brnad New Sedt Ru8les
Brznd Nea Swt Rjles Brzand Neaw Rjules Braznd Newa Sewt Rujles Brqnd Ne3 Sett Ryles Brqand Se Ryules Braqnd New3 Set Ruyles
Brsnd Ned Sef Rulles Brsand Rues

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